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Lame after winning Mercenary

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Lame after winning Mercenary

Post by eztarget »

[ Eztarget steps onto SOAPBOX ... begins RANT ]

How lame that they give you the SAME exact secondary quests in the two upper levels. How hard would it have been to build in some new secondary quests. I can understand keeping the main quest the same for story line reasons, but the SAME exact secondary quests makes it real weak. I don't even have to try to solve them, just sometimes tell the people what I already know. It's simply just replaying the motions which makes it real hard to even bother playing anymore.

Weak program design by the creators.

I thought it was funny how I started in prison with all my gear, and the same 3 people in my party. I had Taar talk to Taar to get the ring off my neck which is just another funny short-coming up the two new upper levels.

The SAME exact "unique" items and sets as before. With the same weak powers. I love the "unique" items and sets that have multiple copies of each other. Maybe someone at Gashouse Games should have looked up the word UNIQUE!

[ Eztarget steps off SOAPBOX ... concludes RANT ]
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

And if you start a new game on mercenary with a new character, the quests are...the same! Who'd have thought it?!
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Post by Dolarin »

I agree that things could have been done a little better here. My gripes are with the way the npc's are done though. What's the idea behind having a "release" button in the inn, if you can't release anyone. It's also very buggy that there are duplicate npc's standing around. None of the npc's should appear in Veteren or Elite diff. if you haven't released them from your inn. As I leave Erulian with Lothar and Deru, I walk past Lothar and Deru. Very weird to have made the game that way. You also keep all your chants, including the Chant of the Dead. That means you can start working on the Spirits quest from the very beginning. Kinda kills that quest IMHO. I think a better way to have done it would have been to reset the game entirely. The gear on your person would be taken from you and you'd get it back at due time, just as in merc diff. You could also keep the gear in your town chest. All the npc's would be released and you'd have to find them again. That would make things much more playable, b/c as it stands now, I have a party of 5 mowing down everything in my path in veteren mode, considering all my party members were 45 at the start of veteren. It's just to easy.

Sorry for the long post, but this looked like a thread with a kindred spirit on this subject, and I need to get this gripe off my chest.

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Post by Xandax »

Well, basically I agree with you and it is also one of the reasons why I'll not be going onto Veteran and Elite.

But you'll have to understand that this game is pure action with some RPG elements, it is "diablo" in a new name.
The two latter difficulties were made for people who enjoy slashing their way through the game and leveling up, becomming stronger. Leveling up and killing stuff is the driving force there, because you have already beat the game - there isn't much possibility of doing things different other then differentiating between partymembers to do their "personal quest".
(And I'd think there perhaps is the "I'm doing elite" factor involved when you have to play through twice to get to that level.)
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Post by FlynnT »

I agree .. but

I cannot disagree with the previous posts. There was no real thought given to making Vet and Elite more interesting.

So what I decided was to zip up my game save folder and store it in a safe place. Then in a year or so, or whenever new games have no appeal, I can bring this out again and play it through at the higher level.

I started Vet level, but find it to be pretty tedious. I did almost all the quests first time around, so there is just NOTHING new.

Games reviewers used to have a category called REPLAYABLILITY. If I were a reviewer I would give this category a very low 10-15%.
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Post by QED »

well, as a big fan of diablo2 i have to agree with all the posts above this one! There is a very good reason why all u guys, me included, wont last very long on this game (me a bit longer, cause i´m sick and have to stay at home!).
They killed the replayability because of the party option, so u get all the different chars in one go, because the skills are so diminishing to the top u would be stupid to invest more than 5 points in each - rest with equipment . so every char gets all the skills in his area of expertise. so after a while u get a feeling of been there seen that done it before...

the only thing which keeps u going is that u maybe want that best item for ur char, and thats way too weak - even diablo2 wouldnt have survived so long just because of the items...
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