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im knew! <--did i spell that right???

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im knew! <--did i spell that right???

Post by Kahlan »

Hey everyone!! I stumbled on to your forums while checking out all the new 1.11 d2 stuff.

I am a looonnngg time D2 player, but I havent played on Bnet in a while. So I created a new account and now have a lvl 51 Assassin! If anyone has any tips for playing 1.11 they would be taken with appreciation, also if anyone has any items that they can spare I would gladly accept them.

Thank you for reading my mostly pointless introduction!
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Post by C Elegans »

Hello Kahlan and welcome to the Diablo forum! I am the moderator of this forum, admin for the board is Buck Satan.

This is a forum for discussing the Diablo series games. Please do not ask other players for items, unless they have stated you can do so. This is not a trading forum.

You will find some information regarding the 1.11 patch here, as well as guides to some builds. Good luck with your assa!
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Post by Kahlan »

Oh! Sorry about the items thing, I didn't know :( I'll do better in the future!!

"Her life was hers to live by right, she belonged to no one."
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