My question pertains to "total Phy Dam" vs damage done by Crushing Blow; Critical strike and Deadly Strike.
I'm playing Druid-Werewolf.
I can see that attack speed + damage will be most important.
I'm also guessing based on gameplay, using a shield is not so important.
As one noted: do you fear Diablo's melee attack or lightning hose
So, I was using a Battle Axe .. total damage(?) of 30-52
Then I found a Gold Mace(Crushflange) ... total damage(?) of 9-24; 33% chance of Crushing Blow ... plus I get to use a shield
I'm making Andariel runs at the moment.
Since I don't know the "ins and outs" of this game, I make trial runs with different weapons to try and see "what works best".
I can can tell this game is all about choices; which gear to use based on modifiers vs what your character needs etc...
The Battle Axe mows downs everything in 1-2 hits on the way to Andariel.
The Crushflange, takes 2 hits just to kill a little knee-biter
When I get to Night Lords or the room before Andariel, I'm fighting for my life do to the number of enemies = takes alot of whacks with the Crushflange
The Battle Axe mowed them down and I took less damage.
Now, when going against Andariel, the Crushflange was much better.
Because of my physical limitations, I can't hotkey health during batlle = I have to watch my health vs creatures health and decide: do I stand and fight or cut and run to antidote/heal/portal.
Making this observation leads me to believe Crushing Blow deducts a certain percentage of health points when it connects, and thus is much better vs high health point creatures.
Whereas, a high total PD weapon will work better vs the lower creatures.
Since this character can use any weapon, and I know some high PD Gold large/broad/battle Axes are out there, I'm perplexed on the weapon to use.
And then we have Mauls and Polearms
At what point do you say: forget the Crushing Blow and low Phy Dam.
Go with the high Phy Dam weapon.
Already the difference is 100+% between weapons ... I'm guessing it will increase when I find better two handed weapons
Using a shield really isn't helping my Werewolf.
I hope this question wasn't confusing/convoluted
And I hope my observations/points were lucid and correct
Maybe a smart question on my part ?
This is a PvM question. I'm guessing the rules change in PvP.
Any info/help is always appreciated.