Hopefully, someone has had this bug and knows a fix. Last night I played and everything was fine. am running 2.2. Had just beaten the three Dark Wizards at the end of the Mines and barely made it rthu. Then, when I loaded up today, it went to the character choose screen with no problem. then i loaded my character, my only character, and after trying to load the world, it brought up this error message:
"This application has failed because the following file netdtect.dll could not be found. Re-installing application may fix the problem."
Well, let me tell ya, it did NOT fix the problem. still won't load world. have not tried a new game as I am not overly interested in starting over quite yet. I would really rather finish my first game so i can go on to the harder difficulty. anyone have any ideas?????
a Different Bug
Do you have XP SP1? netdtect.dll is not included with Windows anymore I think but the dll in question can probably be found on the net, or at least what you can do about the problem.
And He whispered to me in the darkness as we lay together, Tell Me where to touch you so that I can drive you insane; tell Me where to touch you to give you ultimate pleasure, tell Me where to touch you so that we will truly own each other. And I kissed Him softly and whispered back, Touch my mind.
i do. i also emailed micro$oft about the issue and their answer was worthless. they suggested that i stop running any and all other programs and try it again. did not work. then they never responded with any other ideas. thankfully, i tried one of teh suggestions on here about corrupted save games and started from an earlier save and was able to motor through and now finish the game.