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K3 should put the 'R' in 'RPG'.

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K3 should put the 'R' in 'RPG'.

Post by eskilla »

K2 was pretty good, in that you didn't have to just be a weak pawn of the republic and could join just about any faction you wanted, including the almighty sith (no points for guessing what I chose).

But it didn't leave you much in the way of playing a personality. Sure, you had to say certain things to win over party members and to earn/lose L/DS points, but you couldn't really, say, be a dark sith with a weakness for women in trouble. Or a Republic veteran who always thinks that s/he knows how to do things right.

I want the ability to decide some major personality querks. I want my party members to be able to comment about some of those querks. I want some of the quests to not just have a LS/DS ending, but endings that rely on your characters personal tastes.

Example: say during the course of the game, you are a LS jedi who doesn't see any problem in bending the rules for a just cause. That could open up a quest with 'questionable' legality that in the end, does result in good being done(and LS points). But if you're not careful, you could bring too much notice from law enforcement, so they attack you, giving you some DS points.

Your thoughts?
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Post by mr_sir »

i was just thinking a similar thing earlier. i hate the way that as ds you have no freedom to roleplay without taking loads of ls hits. for example, why does a ds character have to side with the exchange, or why can't they feel sorry for a husband that lost his wife and rescue them but demand a reward - i tried this and still got ls points lol. i'd like to play a mercenary kinda rebel ds character that still has emotions and feelings and cares about his/her companions or people they meet. just cos you choose ds doesn't mean you are unable to show compassion - you could just rescue or help people in a not so ls way (i.e. intimidate and bully to get the response you want and help them) but still help them. i'd love a lot more freedom with creating a characters personality.
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Post by eskilla »

[QUOTE=mr_sir]I'd like to play a mercenary kinda rebel ds character that still has emotions and feelings and cares about his/her companions or people they meet.[/QUOTE]
Yeah! As far as I know about games (some, but admitedly not much) it wouldn't take much to throw in a few things that can keep track of a persona in your char. It's time for so-called RPG games and KotOR in particular to realize that being evil doesn't just consist of wanton slaughter and disregard for any sort of emotion besides hate and fear. I made a real effort in K2 to play a character that is dark to the bone but seriously cares for children and the environment and for my intense trouble and thought all I get is a bunch of LS points that really mess up my game!

Like in the Ithorian/Czerka thing on Telos - you should be able to choose Czerka but effect a policy/regime change that can make you both evil but an eco-freak. I mean, you're still a profit-driven baddie, but you see the sense in saving the whales too.
(BTW I'm not a eco-hippie or anything, that was just the char I played)
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Post by RBitG »

What you guys are getting at, is not Jedi, not Sith, but Grey Jedi :D undoubtedly the best and greatest of all classes.

I don't mean the boring old neutral hermit people who just sit around and meditate all day, but an active and powerful Grey Rouge Jedi. For example, having aspects of the dark side, but also having a weakness for Women. (: p)
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Post by Kayos »

i agree with mr_sir on the personality. i would want to actully create my PCs personality. in the game, the exile just seemed... a lil stiff. im not saying there wasnt funny diolouge or anything... but still... it was stiff...
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Post by Fierce »

Well, the Grey Jedi seem to be the best allignment in the Star Wars world, but it....I don't know. It just feel's wrong for me. Maybe it's because this kind of acting is very dangerous. You're walking on a VERY thin line between two powerful forces (LS and DS) and it's really easy to slip off it. Remember, SW world is diffrent when it comes to alignment, especially the DS. IF you give into it, it twists and corrupts you, and few were left with any feelings other than hatred and anger. That's why I think in KotOR games DS characters don't receive DS points in situations described earlier. Besides, if you save someone from The Exchange for example, and later demand reward for it, still, it's classified as an LS deed. Not so good as if you would do it for free, but it is LS. And there are many reasons why you could demand money, not only because of your greednes, for example you may need money to repair your ship.

Back to the topic - K3 *should* put R in the RPG games, but I don't think it will. I want to see combination of Oblivion and KotOR - that would be so cool.
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Post by RBitG »

[QUOTE=Fierce]Well, the Grey Jedi seem to be the best allignment in the Star Wars world, but it....I don't know. It just feel's wrong for me. Maybe it's because this kind of acting is very dangerous. You're walking on a VERY thin line between two powerful forces (LS and DS) and it's really easy to slip off it. Remember, SW world is diffrent when it comes to alignment, especially the DS. IF you give into it, it twists and corrupts you, and few were left with any feelings other than hatred and anger. [/QUOTE]

Sorry about the off-topicness, but that's why the only true Grey Jedi must be very strong, (: D) so as to not unintentionally slip one way or another. And as we have seen with the KOTOR games, your character ends up at an incredibly godlike level towards the end of the game, so...

Here's me hoping.

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Post by eskilla »

Mmm, I see what you mean with the grey jedi thing, but that wasn't right for my character (is using an example). She was evil - her character flaws weren't enough to 'redeem' her.

Plus, grey jedi-ing prevents you from getting both prestige classes and a nifty sidequest in K2. It probably will in K3, too, unless what people are talking about happens and GJ's get a prestige class.

P.S. Hahaha ROUGE. One of my fave net-things.
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Post by RBitG »

We're talking about K3, which will hopefully put the 'R' in RPG, so who knows? I am certainly looking forward to a Light/Grey/Dark setup.
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Post by Kayos »

i second that idea. even tho, neither game was really suposed to have a grey jedi type thing, they really need to have one in the III (if there is a III)
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Post by Darth Valthri »

some personality would be nice. in K1, sure, you've had your memory erased and later find out that you are Revan. that doesn't mean that almost every time there's an option to say something that it has to have a question in it. i'm sure Revan wasn't stupid enough, even after the mind wipe, to need to ask about everything. at least in K2 people started asking you questions more often. so yeah, i'd like the ability to say stuff without everything being "what's this?" or "who's that?" or whatever.
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Post by Glamdring »

Yeah I agree with all that has been mentioned.

Lol, it reminds me of when I played with a DS character. He was a Guardian/Sith Lord. Completely rotten.

So I find Vrook and instead of killing him, I say something like "I'm sorry for being all evil. I'm trying my best to get better".
I actually managed to gather all three Jedi masters on Dantooine without getting any LS points!

So I ended up playing this Jedi who slipped into being totally impulsive and evil, but then tried to make his way back to the light.

It was pretty fun.
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