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Paladin Character Build v 1.11

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Paladin Character Build v 1.11

Post by prayingmantist »

I'm currently constructing a paladin. I have been doing massive trading of late, but have resently had my account locked out and had to start from scratch once again "characters expired".

I'm building a blessed hammer paladin, i have him at level 71 with over 210 vitality, 140 strength, base dex, and am currently putting more skill points into energy. (with all the items bonuses i have about 50 points in energy)

Now, i've heard that:
enigma armour (dusk shroud)
exile shield
Heart of the Oak (hoto) weapon
Shako helm

Is the best stuff you can get for a paladin.

But that still leaves room for the question: "What's the best Paladin rings, amulet, belt, boots, and gauntlets?"

I'm currently wearing frostburns for gauntlets....

What's the best?
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Post by Piff »

You might want to look at my paladin guide at the character builds. It has average equipment and the best equipment possible.
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Post by Noober »

Is this for pvp or pvm?

Those are not the strictly best items (e.g. it's easily arguable that a 2/20/2 circlet is superior to shako; or Spirit > Exile vs. casters (even vs melee since you don't have max block)). When building a Paladin, the best items depend entirely on the setup as a whole. E.g. making sure you just hit the breakpoints as opposed to being 5 fcr off etc.
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Post by NitroBobby »

Well for the amulet there is only one choice to me, mara's kaleidoscope hehe!
A huuuuge Titan Quest, Diablo II, Warcraft III, and Call of Duty 2 fan :)
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Post by Hemehaci »

Hello I am new to the forum and see that this has been posted nearly a month before, I wonder if you still need help :)
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