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What Privlages You'd Like in KOTOR III

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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What Privlages You'd Like in KOTOR III

Post by THarvey1990 »

I was thinking and i thought maybe they should make it so u can roam the planets more. And make it so its not so compact. For example on every planet they made in KOTOR I and II (except tattooine) it ran together firmly. If they made it so ud have a hard time getting around itd be more funer and a longer lasting game play. Such as going into the shadowlands of Kashyyyk. It should have more trails to follow and more space rather then a little passage to follow. And many other privlages such as missions. Like what types and how long they make them. As well as more characters, clothing, weapons, etc.

So really, what do you think?
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Post by Chanak »

Welcome to the forum, THarvey.

The site owner wants to avoid multiple threads covering the same topic. In light of this, I am closing this thread...however, I encourage you to find one of the other threads which already exist in this forum and contribute there. :)
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A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.
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