well, I just started playing BW with my chars from ds2
All worked well, but then I was doing the dwarves quest, I Disbanded taar to get that dwarf in my party, but then didn't found taar again?
did you check inn before? i had a lot of problems with party in pure ds2. bw solved them all but first time i checked inn to unload my stuff on a mule i found only sartans there. this way i lost every char. i sent eva to inn and hired sartan, next time there was only eva to choose. so i lost every other char but that was no problem. just load save from ds2, transfer items to party, convert, lost all but from that point there is no problem anymore.
in broken world you can find only those chars in camp which you dont have in inn to hire. i couldnt find any char from ds2 in bw so i lost all beside off those who were in party at the moment. no problem for me because i was planning ressa as 5th member. rest i found in ds2 campain on vet