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Ideas for Equipment (can go beyond just armour and weps)

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Darth Valthri
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Ideas for Equipment (can go beyond just armour and weps)

Post by Darth Valthri »

Seen some posts about wanting a different skin on the hilt of the lightsaber, to make things a bit more customizable. i agree with it. i also agree with the idea of robes that have a hood that you can put up and down.

my ideas for some equipment for K3 include naming your weapon, though not like calling a lightsaber "saber of pwnage", but more like "Exile's Lightsaber" or "Visas Marr's Lightsaber". basically, setting the lightsaber to be yours, and have it comes up in the inventory as "<Name>'s Lightsaber". same goes for robes and possibly other weapons and armor.

another idea is the further use of quest items. in K2, i think it would have been somewhat helpful to be able to use your comlink for guidance from someone through an area (apart from Peragus). Kreia got old after a while, in more ways than one...

my last idea for now is altering the looks of the equipment. i don't know about anyone else, but i couldn't stand how most of the head-gear looked, which is why i never used any. so what i'm thinking is that if we can't just pick-and-choose a look for a piece of head-gear (or any equipment, for that matter), then we should at least be able to alter the colour in some way if we don't like it as it is. some armour i saw throughout the game looked horrific. one such piece is some bright-red armor that you can buy off of Kebla Yurt on Taris. gruesome... :(

anyway, as the title says, suggestions can be beyond jsut armor and weapons. i'd love to hear some ideas ;)
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