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Help with Ring of Wizardry at the Friendly Arm Inn?

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Help with Ring of Wizardry at the Friendly Arm Inn?

Post by trussasp »

Thanks in advance for any help.

I am trying to find the Ring of Wizardry, but have been unsuccessful so far.

I have all of the following things:

1. The correct location of the Ring of Wizardry (X & Y coordinates)
2. I'm only selecting one character when trying to find it, and am searching the exact location plus a wide area around that location.
3. My installation of Baldur's gate is NOT patched in any way.

According to all of the strings I've read, I should be able to grab that ring.

Does anyone have any OTHER things I may need in order to find the Ring of Wizardry?

Thanks again.
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Post by KaaZe »

Hmm.. strange, you should be able to find it. Its right at the base of a tree with a small stone besides it. But I guess you already know that ;)
Do you have TOSC installed?... if you really want it, just use the consol to make it, its a really nice item to get at the start of the game... its basically means that your party is wearing plate instead of studded leather :D
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Post by Xandax »

The ring was in the original BG1 - but was removed by the latest patch(s) to BG1 - and was placed again with ToSC(and it's patches).

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Denethorn »

So where is/was this ring in the first place?

I have heard of The Ring of Wizardry but I don't recall ever getting (or ever having one for that matter)from the friendly arm...

Ahh. the wonderings of a newbie :) .
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Post by CM »

Sorry Xandax but in the latest games, and i just played through bG1 all over again.
It is removed all the way.
I don't have it, with only BG or the bG patch, or if i have TotSC or with its patch.
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