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Titan Quest And Immortal Throne Modifications

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Titan Quest And Immortal Throne Modifications

Post by Siberys »

Here is where members can post any and every link to modifications for the game Titan quest and Immortal Throne. Feel free to provide any descriptions you want, all the links you want, etc etc.

This thread will be a substitute for all other threads, so please don't create your own thread for a mod, just use this one.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
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Post by Deighvyd »

Deighvyd's Camera Mod Collection

[url=""]Titan Quest and Immortal Throne
Camera Mod Collection

Author: Deighvyd
Rotation: jdoe407


-"Titan Quest" version 1.30

-"Immortal Throne" version 1.10

v1.0 Titan Quest and Immortal Throne reissued:

- Recreated v1.0 of the Camera Mod for folks requesting the old LOWHORIZON view.
- Extremely Low Horizon view provides opportunities for incredible panoramic screenshots.
- The low pitch angle can result in "mob" placement holders being made visible and can also add significant stuttering while zooming in.
- Zooming In is more appropriate for taking panoramic screenshots as opposed to actual game play.

v3.2 Immortal Throne update:

Bug Fixes

- Artifact Formulas, Artifacts, Scrolls, Rings and Amulets display all stats with colored text again.
- Relic and Charm removal now costs gold again (...sorry).


Available now for both Titan Quest "and" Immortal Throne, comes a
full-featured mod collection that adds flexibility to an otherwise static camera.

Version 3.x

- The choice of 2 different distance mods (ISOMETRIC or TOPDOWN).
- Increased zoom range both in and out (no more attacks from off screen).
- 360 degree camera rotation (configurable hotkeys for rotate left, right and camera reset).
- The choice of using the Distance Mod or the Rotation Mod by themselves or together.
- Extremely low horizon views from previous versions have been removed in the interest of improved performance and increased functionality.
- Version 3.x expands the mods functionality by introducing "jdoe407's" incredible Rotation Mod.

Version 1.x

- Recreated v1.0 of the Camera Mod for folks requesting the old LOWHORIZON view.
- Increased zoom range both in and out (no more attacks from off screen).
- Includes "jdoe407's" incredible Rotation Mod.
- 360 degree camera rotation (configurable hotkeys for rotate left, right and camera reset).
- The choice of using the Distance Mod or the Rotation Mod by themselves or together.
- Extremely Low Horizon view provides opportunities for incredible panoramic screenshots.
- The low pitch angle can result in "mob" placement holders being made visible and can also add significant stuttering while zooming in.
- Zooming In is more appropriate for taking panoramic screenshots as opposed to actual game play.
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Post by Siberys »

*Post by Alberic Deleted, please keep this thread to titan quest mods only, this isn't a "problems with installing titan quest immortal throne" thread.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by yerkyerk »

Upcoming unofficial fanpatch for TQ:IT

As some of you may or may not know, work is being done on an unofficial fanpatch at Since Ironlore shut their doors the already dim hopes for a new official patch for TQ:IT went titanic, so the decision was made to create an unofficial fanpatch. If anyone is interested in seeing the progress on this patch, comment, help with it or show their support, you can go here: Bugs and fixes for unofficial patch - Titan Quest Forums
If you see any fixes that aren't listed, please report them there.

The patch is currently being developed and though I cannot guarantee that it will finish, things look promising. That's all.

With kind regards,
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Post by Claudius »

Fun New Masteries Mod

A mod with 9 new masteries has been released for Titan Quest by Pink Frog the creator.

Vampire, Alchemy, Sorcery, Close Combat, Mysticism, Archery, Bestiary, Chronoscopy, Construction

It is very fun. Look for it on

Here's a link to Pink Frog's website with information on the mastery and a section where you can download the mod including instructions. I am having fun with my Experimenter (Vampire/Alchemist). So far I got my first ever Revenant Plate drop...most auspicious!

Linky: :: Masteries ... A TitanQuest - Mod ::
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
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Post by lufe »

AllSkins 0.7 for Titan Quest & TQ Immortal Throne

AllSkins is a mod that lets you buy bottles (dyes) for your character and change the skin of your player. It works just like changing a dye on the normal game, but you have 200+ players available.

It is available in English and French at the moment, and will be made available in German and Russian too.

Here ->>> [Rel] AllSkins for TQIT - Titan Quest Forums

you can see more details about it. A picture shows the available bottles:

(each bottle means a separate skin to choose)

Skins available:

--------->Adult Skins (warning: nude and half-nude female and male skins)

--------->General (non-adult) Female Skins

--------->General (non-adult) Male Skins

To download the Titan Quest Immortal Throne version, please see this post here ---> [Rel] AllSkins for TQIT - Titan Quest Forums

For the Titan Quest version, please see this post here ---> [Rel] AllSkins for normal Titan Quest (NOT TQIT) - Titan Quest Forums
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Post by Claudius »

Underlord mod

The underlord mod adds new content, rebalances the game from the perspective of a guy that played the heck out of it for 4 years and is bright, totally changed the skill tree of every mastery, but still kept flavor. And last but not least changed the rogue to occult with a theme of dark magic, poison, and piercing damage.

This is basicly a second expansion though without a new area. The guy who made it should have contacted the publisher and made 50 k a year for his work. And marketed game.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
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