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To Fell Blade or Not to Fell Blade

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To Fell Blade or Not to Fell Blade

Post by wphantomw »

Hey people,
I have a conqueror and duel wields Fell Blades. I found them at arounf level 13 or so. Nice lucky finds.
I also have some very nice non UBER weapons that do damage over time, ie poison and fire/burn. the 60% damage to demon per blade is friggin fantastic esp. in egypt.

I switched my 2nd mastery to rogue to use the lethal strike(LS), however I switched back because I didn't find it very usefull because my Fells do just as good damage iin comparison. Esp when topped with increased damage from ? skill.(has a circular glow around the character). LS also takes a while to recharge, which i find very annoying. Maybe thats just my play style.

I also happened to find Ramses Arms/Gloves and his Boots in the pyramids (Giza) which begs the question. I thought all Legend and Set items were restricted to complete randomness. but i found BOTH withing the space of 2 levels in Egypt.

Well enough rambling.
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Post by Claudius »

Its affected by what level you are and also what act. You'll see Ramses drop in egypt and Jade drop in orient.

The best information on where to find things is on and there are a few good threads where people went in the art manager and found the chances of things. On gamebanshee threads about drop locations are locked for the reason that nobody uses the search function and thats a common question.

Lethal Strike is not very good unless you are using a spear and also have blade honing. My illusionist did 50,000 damage on a crit and her avg damage was only 1500 or so. Good bye hero monster.
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