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Bug in duel with Sir Roderick

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Bug in duel with Sir Roderick

Post by GawainBS »

Each time I start the duel, the walls are gone, there is no floor, and my character turns around his feet.
I already tried to turn down all the graphic options, but that worked only once.
Does anybody have a way around this?

Thanks in advance!
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Post by PurpleMist333 »


I came across this on the web. This may help.

1. Right after you defeat Roderic in debate, tell him you need more time to prepare for combat
2. Pull up the options screen
3. Go into Audio Options
4. Turn Reverb to OFF
5. Go back to the game and talk to Roderic
6. Once you defeat him, you can turn the reverb back on

It may or may not work but you can try it to see.
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Post by GawainBS »

I got past this bug way back, but I can't remember how. Thanks for replying, though.
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