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Problem with PC Version

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Darth Aflac
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Problem with PC Version

Post by Darth Aflac »

Ok im having troubles playing due to it being slow and sometimes i get stuck and wont move at all...I have graphics to the lowest setting and set everything for easy play but it still lags..If you could help that would be great.. :confused:
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Post by Kienan »

Can I borrow KotOR III, please? :D

Sorry, couldn't resist. I think you posted in the wrong place, did you mean KotOR II? I'll try to help, but I'd need more info. I assume your computer is working fine except when you play KotOR? If not, and you're having computer trouble, try some anti-virus/spyware. Also try updating your video drivers. These are just the things I can think of off the top of my head, as you really didn't give many specifics other than 'it's slow.'

And, honestly, what made me post here is that it's labeled KotOR III, and I just had to be a smart ass about it. :rolleyes:

But, yeah, I'll help if you give specifics: When you say stops, does your whole computer freeze, or just KotOR? Are there any gross graphical errors, such as missing/miscolored pixels? Etc.
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Post by mrbishwork »

yeah just try to update your video card driver ^_^ download the latest driver of your video card
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Post by BlueSky »

Hope those suggestions work for you....
but since this is a forum for KOTOR III and not the game you are referring to.
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