I recently started playing DS after a few months absence, only to find that the resolution seems different. I used to be able to zoom out further and everything fit nicely on screen, but now in order for everything to fit I have to use 800x600.
There have been no hardware changes, and no significant software changes. I only see 3 resolutions (highest 1024x780), but I seem to recall there used to be more...
Can anyone help???
I am running the game on Vista with a 24" ws monitor.
Monitor Resolutions
Answer for future reference...
Go to Documents or My Documents in the Dungeon Siege folder and open DungeonSiege.ini
Edit the width and height values with the desired resolution. Once you load a game or click continue the game will change from 800x600 to the new resolution. You will get a warning pop-up but that's pretty much the only inconvenience.
driver_description = ...
width = 1920
height = 1200
bpp = 32
Go to Documents or My Documents in the Dungeon Siege folder and open DungeonSiege.ini
Edit the width and height values with the desired resolution. Once you load a game or click continue the game will change from 800x600 to the new resolution. You will get a warning pop-up but that's pretty much the only inconvenience.
driver_description = ...
width = 1920
height = 1200
bpp = 32
- Lady Sophia
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:51 am
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I've got a similar problem.
Last time i played was a couple of days ago. I have only just updated my computer, so i am wondering if those updates OR the "StarForce Protection" update are to blame.
Everything is "shaved off". The health bars are shaved off, the curser slightly "disappears" off the edge of the screen when you rotate the screen. Everything is very slightly shaved off on the lowest display, 640 x 480. I've never had this problem until just now. I think i'm going to restore my computer, see if the StarForce update is to blame.
Very odd...
Tried Restore Point - Failed.
Unable to Restore Service Pack 2 or the Starforce Protection Update.
Tried Uninstall / Reinstall - Failed
Same problem, even after a clean install. Therefore i conclude that WinVista SP2 or the StarForce Protection Update, is to blame (i didn't get a "StarForce Protection" error, so i assume the update and software concerning StarForce are seperate somehow).
Can anyone confirm this? I installed both the SP2 and StarForce updates today, and DSLOA did not have this problem 2 days ago.
Last time i played was a couple of days ago. I have only just updated my computer, so i am wondering if those updates OR the "StarForce Protection" update are to blame.
Everything is "shaved off". The health bars are shaved off, the curser slightly "disappears" off the edge of the screen when you rotate the screen. Everything is very slightly shaved off on the lowest display, 640 x 480. I've never had this problem until just now. I think i'm going to restore my computer, see if the StarForce update is to blame.
Very odd...
Tried Restore Point - Failed.
Unable to Restore Service Pack 2 or the Starforce Protection Update.
Tried Uninstall / Reinstall - Failed
Same problem, even after a clean install. Therefore i conclude that WinVista SP2 or the StarForce Protection Update, is to blame (i didn't get a "StarForce Protection" error, so i assume the update and software concerning StarForce are seperate somehow).
Can anyone confirm this? I installed both the SP2 and StarForce updates today, and DSLOA did not have this problem 2 days ago.
- Lady Sophia
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:51 am
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The Answer is not 42...
left edge cut off of full screen games
In a nutshell, when you play the game, adjust your monitor (auto-adjust) and that should solve the problem. Worked with me. Hope that helps.
left edge cut off of full screen games
In a nutshell, when you play the game, adjust your monitor (auto-adjust) and that should solve the problem. Worked with me. Hope that helps.