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New to the game...could use some advice

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New to the game...could use some advice

Post by semperdoc81 »

Hey everyone....I've been playing TQ with the IT expansioin pack for about a month off and on now. I'm on Normal with a level 32 conqueror (warfare / defense). I think I've done pretty good....and I've learned a TON of info from this forum (so thanks to all of you who post). But I've gotten to Olympus and just can't seem to faze Typhon at all. I'm a melee character dual weild; but I've even tried ranged attacks...and nothing really seems to work out. I've farmed all over the place and have completed every side quest just to try and gain better gear....but really haven't found anything any better than a sparse handful of epic items that really haven't applied to my character much. With my type of character, is there any adive that anybody could give as to what I should try and get to while on Normal? I'm sure that eventually I'll beat Typhon (what good is a game without a challenge right?) but I see many of you that are at much, much higher levels than me......and with how s-l-o-w-l-y I seem to be gaining experience points I can't help but think that there is much more I could be doing. Thanks for any help anybody can provide!
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Post by Claudius »

Ok with that build you should be putting into strength and dexterity with no intelligence because it is melee.

The main problem with typhon is that he spams so many special moves so you got to learn to dodge them. The fire is not too hard to dodge. When he throws his arms up look where the shadow is and thats where deadly rocks will fall. If he grows spikes then run away until they go away. If you get hit by fire/rocks/or life suck then run away.

The only attack you ignore is the green ray. that doesn't seem to hurt.

Ok now I need to know more about your build. Are you using a shield? Or dual wield?

The weapon to look for is a sabertooth dropped by a tiger or maybe an icthian womper dropped by a fish man.

I can beat 3 of him at once with just common gear that drops so I know you will be able to beat him. You just need more damage.

The one skill that I know works awesome on him you will need to download the fanpatch fix because it is bugged with the regular game. The skill is triumph. Put a lot of points in battle standard and triumph and it will let you cut through his damage resistance and he will melt like butter. The trick is planting the battlestandard to one side and then running away from it so he doesn't destroy the standard. It will only work with the fanpatch to fix triumph. Otherwise triumph does NOTHING.

One more thing you need vitality resistance and fire resistance. The fire does both vitality and fire damage and the life suck does vitality too. So put a demon charm in a ring or amulet.

Your only going to be able to get a few hits in on him so the shield procs or dualwield procs will do the most damage. Onslaught won't charge up because you can't tank him. I would take a lot of points in the top onslaught skill because it will help you get 2 or 3 hits in by raising attack speed which leads to more chance for a shield proc (or dual wield proc).

If you need to get more levels to put skills in.....go to egypt and go to thebes. Then go towards the portal to babylon. Kill everything on the map on the way and especially the dark obelisk. Go in the temple with the sandwraith and kill all dark obelisk. Then reload the game and kill the dark obelisk again.

You can probably get to level 36 in a couple? hours...
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Post by semperdoc81 »

Awesome...thanks for the advice

I've been putting most everything into strength and dexterity.....about 300 str and 218 dex I think. I haven't used a shield and have been going dual wield the whole time......I put pretty much all of my points maxing out my warfare skills and only a couple on defense. I haven't downloaded anything as of yet on the game; but the patch recommendation is a good one and I'll certainly look into that, and then the skill triumph.

I DID...key word: did......have a sabertooth. Call me a fool.....I sold it not realizing exaclty how valuable it is (after reading many posts on here I noticed that LOTS of folks like it). Right now I have a blue labled (epic?) sword....Yin I think it's called. I coupled that up with a mace of feasting (charmed) that's putting out quite a bit of damage. I will go back and farm the Orient though and try to locate a sabertooth. I will farm those areas you suggested as well.......hopefully my chances of finding quality gear will increase once I make it to Epic, because (even with how it's all random) my LUCK really sucks gear wise. I did read earlier about going into the one temple and leaving the two dark obelisks so that enemies continuously generate, and that sounds pretty solid. I tried starting all the way at the beginning of Greece; but I had to kill damn near every single enemy in Greece (Including the Telkine) just to see that green line even twitch a tiny bit.

Typhon wise....I've been paying attention to his attacks, but I think I just need to take your advice and really work on my resistances in order to do much good against him. That and find different ways to up my attack speed as well. I think at this point I've died against him about 15 times already though....hahaha; but it's all good, I love a good frustrating boss.

Thanks for the help!
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Post by flix »

As far as better gear, you COULD grab the Defiler and use the mod that increases your chance of unique items dropping. It's technically a cheat but it won't feel like one if you just tweak it a little (increase unique drop chance from chests to like X2 or X3) and resist the urge to actually edit your character's stats.

[url=""]TQ Defiler[/url]
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Post by Claudius »

The obelisk doesn't give much xp letting the ghosts spawn. It gives a lot of xp destroying the obelisk as it is a level 40 monster.

There are about 10 obelisks between thebes and babylon and they might raise you a level all together.

Yin is not a very good sword. Look for a sabertooth or green sword with veteran's or recklas power socketed with an achiles relic with attack speed bonus if possible.

Another good thing to socket vs typhon is shen nong's dark medicine because it will lower his resists and do a damage over time (DOT) attack on him.
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