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Leveling multiple types?

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Leveling multiple types?

Post by ThePacster »

Hello there everyone.

I was always a huge fan of Dungeon Siege and a friend and I were looking for a fun game to play together and found our way into Dungeon Siege II. In the original I was always a fan of the mage types and leveled both Combat and Nature magic evenly, and wanted to do the same here, although I hear alot of opinions against that although I don't fully understand why.

From what I can tell leveling the four types Melee, Ranged, Combat Magic, and Nature magic is the same as the original. If you should happen to use a melee weapon (even if by accident :P ) your melee ability increases, same for ranged, combat magic, or nature magic. But what I see that is different, are these powers and skill points you earn as you progress. You also only get 100 points as your main character level progresses from 1 to 100.

But does this really have a severe affect on, in my case, leveling both combat magic and nature magic? I realize my character level will hit 100 before my magic levels do, but would I still in theory be able to level combat and nature magic to 100 even if it takes longer?
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Post by kricius »

U can lvl all ur skills as high as u want.

*as long as u have patience =x
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Post by Ishtarr »

I'd only recommend doing multiple disciplines once you're level 100. The main reaon being that your skills will slack behind if you split them. Lets say you're level 50 with 35 Combat Magic and 35 Nature Magic, you're only gonna be able to use 35 Combat/Nature Magic spells, which against level 50s is gonna do petty damage. Outside of level 100 you could train in different areas if you needed a certain item. For example if a healer would want to wear vitality boots, a great item for +healing effectiveness, one would need 43 melee as well as some nature magic.

So in summary, unless you want to wear a special item or you're level 100, stick to one path.
Agaroth - 100 Warrior in DeletedLand
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Post by KillerGremal »

Ishtarr wrote:... Lets say you're level 50 with 35 Combat Magic and 35 Nature Magic, you're only gonna be able to use 35 Combat/Nature Magic spells, which against level 50s is gonna do petty damage. ...
To specify this a bit - when having both magical classes on level 35 then your hero/char level would be about 42 only. Or another example, if an evenly dual-classed mage would char level ~77 then nature and combat class both would be at level 70 each - actually this delay/gap of about 7 levels is quite constant/typical for mid and higher char levels when practicing two classes alternately.
Of course this (little) gap may force you now to use a bit weaker spells and items, but it also would allow you to deal with monster resistances much better, you can wear/combine much more items than being single-classed, and the buffing/healing quality still is reasonably high also without spending too may skill points in the related skills. Perhaps subjectively the biggest handicap is that the space in the spell book is very limited (as many spells as you are able to master).

However most significant aspect if making a dual-classed mage is probably your current/intended party composition. There may be a little drawback with a dual-classed mage but instead of two chars you only need one who can do almost same.
Totally modded.
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Post by kricius »

Use mods.

If that's the case, just download Hotfix Mod (v 2.2) ou Aranna Legacy Mod (Broken world) and find yourself having a really reachier multiclass experience, for they add new spells that share exp between two classes (NM/CM, ML/CM and RG/NM) giving benefits if ur chars are properly dual classed.

These mods also make dual classed chars at INN to lvl properly.
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