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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within the Dungeon Siege series.
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Post by tanto »

at the exspense of deletion:
i am using a psp umd game for both DM the hidden war and throne of agony
i have been all over google with no success.
I have a set of codes but no f&k member to get psp master code that will open the codes
i have been to the f&k society site there is nothing there except a place to start something.
i don't want to cheat as that takes away from why you are playing the game.
but there are some fine points like the codes issue that need to be resolved.
another is the mana bar is not empty but you get dead before you are out of mana, i do not understand this, is this suppose to be this way?
i sold a magic item as means to not fill up may items allotment but it was gone when i went to buy it back.
it would seem that one could buy a sack or pack with diff amounts to store like in dungeon maker why doesn't ds have something like this.
one glaring one, the carrupt forest, i got the canteen of elixer but there where no dead trees. ????????????????????
there are others but this is long already
:( :mad:
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