Changes you'd like to see in ESV?
Changes you'd like to see in ESV?
Me personally I'd prefer the old levelling system of Morrowind meaning it doesn't take 10 minutes to kill an enemy like in Oblivion, I liked the way you left the common enemies behind as you levelled up.
- Loki[D.d.G]
- Posts: 2515
- Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:50 pm
- Location: The initial frontier
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For a start, I'd like to see everything that Oblivion, according to Bethesda's PR, supposedly contained. Like a "living and breathing world" and the pre-release praised Radiant AI. Afterwards, I'd simply nod towards Morrowind for art direction and Daggerfall for everything else. Some consequences for the plethora of options you'd have would be a nice addition, like, a totally optional one.
"Some people say that I must be a terrible person, but it’s not true. I have the heart of a young boy in a jar on my desk."
-Stephen King
-Stephen King
- Loki[D.d.G]
- Posts: 2515
- Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:50 pm
- Location: The initial frontier
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Title change request. It's obscure in this forum.
- No fast travel, better fast-transportation (Morrowind, World of Warcraft)
- Different camera angles during dialogue, show off the player a little.
- The possibility to skip the intro of the game (no we won't like your game so much we will play through the dungeon again and again and ag-..)
- The possibility to enter the game world at differents areas in the game (by ship, prison, airport, whatever), just so the initial settings of the game don't get too overplayed while others are rarely visited.
- No more stiff NPC acting
- during dialogue, don't let the other npc stare at you all the time, unmoving
- during dialogue, expressions / emotions change line by line. Unrealistic
- during dialogue, the bodies have a stiff Unreal quality - the next game should take a few pointers from Troika's Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Think gestures & specific expressions during dialogue.
- No more generic racial voices.
- The inclusion of Player dialogue
- a karma system & quest design that goes beyond the usual good&evil ending
- More original approach to the fantasy genre, like in Morrowind and perhaps the Shivering Isle expansion
- Better LOD textures
- No more visible tiling in terrain textures
- Similar lightening effects on both the ground and SpeedTree's grass effects, so one won't look darker or lighter than the other.
- the ability to not only choose prefab FaceGen renderings, but also store your own.
- a seperate shader to change eye color
- A marriage between Oblivion's short, plentiful quests and Fallout 3's few long ones.
- Generally a more mature theme in the content.
- No more rewards that end up breaking the game too much (endless alchemical ingredients for the already overpowered Alchemy skill, Grey Fox Cowl)
- More limitations to class design, alowing the rise to more specific builds. Possible inclusion of feats with attached requirements.
- More change in the music tracks, and (very important) the inclusion of long stretches of silence between them.
- A necromancy magic skill that actually involves necromancy (just call summoning summoning)
- Weapon that degrade visually over time, by shader etc
- Vampirism that doesn't look all wrong on the Beastraces
- A complete overhaul of Oblivion's Vampirism system. No more getting stronger without feeding at least.
- Vampirism related quests.
- Bring back Lycantrophy (+ the three points mentioned above).
- A construction set that is better able to access the inner workings of the game. Ideally, I would like to not have to resort to yet another resource-consuming Script Extender for the mod community to improve upon things
- Attribute consequences for running too much. Running makes walking obsolete and the game world small.
- Improvements upon the Athletics skill shouldn't affect the speed of your basic walking motion, only running (walking with high athletics looks a bit strange).
- No invisible walls along the borders of the game. As it turns out, Oblivion plays quite nicely without them.
- Immersion.
- Immersion.
- Immersion.
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url=""]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]