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The girls that are scared in BG the city *spoiler*

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The girls that are scared in BG the city *spoiler*

Post by Tybaltus »

There was a house somewhere in the city of Baldurs Gate (not very specific-i know) and there were two girls that had nightmares about some creature staring at them from outside their windows. This is the quest that is written in my journal. Does anyone know what I am talking about and if they do can they help me on how to solve this quest?
“Caw, Caw!” The call of the wild calls you. Are you listening? Do you dare challenge their power? Do you dare invade? Nature will always triumph in the end.

[color=sky blue]I know that I die gracefully in vain. I know inside detiorates in pain.[/color]-Razed in Black
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Ned Flanders
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Post by Ned Flanders »

I don't remember this quest but I would suggets looking in the sewers.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
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The fallen one
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Post by The fallen one »

Laerta and Louise: Two twins who are annoyed because a buggeyman is coming to spy on them at night. Talking with the twins triggers the entry of Gervisse, an evil mage who tells you that the druid Voltine has dark plans for the twins. Voltine then appears and tells you that Gervisse is the real danger and that he should be removed. At this point you have 2 choices:

Kill Gervisse (recommended): You get 900 Exp. for doing so and his Mage Robe of Fire Resistance. Voltine then gives you a Wand of Polymorphing and the twins give you 1000 Exp. and a scroll of Protection from Evil.

Kill Voltine: You get 60 Exp. and a Wand of Polymorphing off her corpse. Gervisse gives you nothing and the twins give you 1000 Exp. and the scroll of Protection from Evil.

Cupboard: There is a Splint Mail +1 in the cupboard in one of the rooms. Be careful as the guards are usually summoned.

Just pulled this off the walk through hope this helps. It has been along time since I have played BG 1. ;)
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Post by Moleman »

It's a classic who-done-it. Either Gervisse or Voltane is the bogeyman, and it is random each time. I recommend to use detect evil, and then kill the evil bastard.

If you choose the right one the girls say they're not afraid anymore or something like that, and so you know you made a good choice.

Mom said not to talk to strangers. I asked her what that meant and she said "anyone who looks stranger than your relatives." Except Uncle Sue. I guess. - A boy in Baldur's Gate
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