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odd tidbit

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Ned Flanders
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odd tidbit

Post by Ned Flanders »

Ever notice you can right click on your NPC's on the game screen. They will roll through their normal sayings a few times over and then bust out with some new lingo. I have played this game several times and never noticed or remember hearing some of these things. Mayhaps I'm nutz.
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Post by fable »

No, you're right. If you click long enough, they'll pop off with an irritated remark. It's kind of amusing. :)
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Ned Flanders
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Post by Ned Flanders »

Some of the remarks weren't even irritated, they were just different.

Kivan had three or four new responses in a row. Imoen three, and most others three or four new things I'd never heard before. Will we ever find all there is to find in these games. I've got a stack of newer CRPG's that I just get bored with. It all leads back to BG/IWD. Sorry, I'm getting off topic.
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Post by Xyx »

You get their normal response set three times in a row, then you get the so-called "rare selection sounds", then it starts over again. They don't have to be in your party. In fact, it also works on enemies. Try doing this to Kobolds for a nice easter egg. ;)

I never found this stuff in BG2, though. :(
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Ned Flanders
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Post by Ned Flanders »

thanks Xyx, I'll be checking that out as soon as I can escape from the office.
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