who thinks this is best rpg ????
who thinks this is best rpg ????
ive posted questions before,yet most where for help on games. this is a question ive thought about while playing pool of radiance (mythdarnor). ive had problems with the game because of not having the game manual. though ive come to the conclusion the game is fun, yet far inferrior to the baldor gate games. ive played baldor gate 1&2 also icewinddale 1&2.i think icewind dale was cool yet baldors gate was better. im wondering 1st off why did the makers of pool of radiance stray so far off the proven success of ice and baldors in thier game design and play. then im wondering why did they feel they needed to drag everything out soooooooooooo long to get something done? dont get me wrong as far as rpg of the doungeoun and dragons style games its not horrable and yet it could of been so much better.my opion is they broke the mold when they made baldors gate it just had everything you could ever want in a d&d style game alsome spells great towns and npc. plus if you are like me and like d&d style games thet let you get to level 25 as a player which to me is the best thing about rpg d&d games. the feeling of my character has reached thier retierment and now i can make or hee hee create a new personna. id love to see more d&d or ad&d style games use the baldor gate style . even in my opion never winters night fell far short of baldor gate or even icewind dale. do others fell as i do??????? or em i just to fixed on old school ? also i know the title talks of all rpg but im mainly thinking of ad&d and d&d style not other rpg games ty for taking time to read my semi rant lol.