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What's so good about it?

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What's so good about it?

Post by ashtaroth »

Now i may be a bit late, but i keep hearing about some great game that seemingly passed everyone by a while ago called King's Bounty. What exactly makes this game so great? What aspect of it is it that has hooked so many of those who heard of it?
And I'm sorry if i don't share your enthusiasm, but "you just have to play it" is not a viable or even remotely satisfying answer.
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Post by fable »

It's not that great, and it is repetitive. Basically, it's an only moderately linear strategy title in RPG clothing, with considerable diversity in how you build your party. Great jewel-like graphics, though.
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Post by ashtaroth »

Thank you fable.
While we are still on the subject on revisiting past games would you recommend the revamped version of Divine Divinity for someone between Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2? It's either that or re-rolling through a modded Fallout 3, a title still all too fresh in my mind for a decent playthrough.
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Post by fable »

ashtaroth wrote:Thank you fable.
While we are still on the subject on revisiting past games would you recommend the revamped version of Divine Divinity for someone between Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2? It's either that or re-rolling through a modded Fallout 3, a title still all too fresh in my mind for a decent playthrough.
Revamped? Do you mean DD2? I've played a German copy of the game that a friend has from overseas, since I understand the language well enough, and it looked good, but I can't claim to have tried it out at length. It should hit the stands in the US--presumably with a lot of patches--by January. Have you tried Morrowind? Because frankly, it's the king of mods. You can ramp up quests to the point of 200+ gameplay time, and replace old graphics with some stunning new stuff.
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Post by ashtaroth »

Not Ego Draconis, the one on good old games. It's the first one but has some extra features. It's not so different from the first one so you might as well tell me if Divine Divinity itself is worth trying out.
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Post by fable »

ashtaroth wrote:Not Ego Draconis, the one on good old games. It's the first one but has some extra features. It's not so different from the first one so you might as well tell me if Divine Divinity itself is worth trying out.
Wasn't aware of any extra features, and I don't see any mention of them up at In any case, I think it's a good pause/realtime 2D RPG with slightly more interaction with the environment than most others, and one where you can accept a lot of quests. Avatar configuration is purely personal. The last quarter of the game is a letdown; they were required to push it out the door before the final major area could be filled with quests, so it feels barren. Other than that, it's fun, and as cheap as it is on GOG, it's certainly worth it.
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Post by ashtaroth »

Expected playtime for a perfectionist?
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Post by fable »

ashtaroth wrote:Expected playtime for a perfectionist?
Oh, easily over 50 hours. There are plenty of little, isolated incidents and quests spread throughout the various areas you can visit in the first three-quarters of the game. Plus, most drops are truly random, far more so than in just about every other game I've encountered. This is good, in that you're never assured you'll find the same things, bad in that you could end up with an amulet devoid of all abilities or one that has as many as 6 specialties on it.
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Post by ashtaroth »

This doesn't necessarily mean a boss or particularly difficult mob is entirely prone to drop something completely devoid of value, does it?
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Post by fable »

ashtaroth wrote:This doesn't necessarily mean a boss or particularly difficult mob is entirely prone to drop something completely devoid of value, does it?
Essential items are always dropped. Basic kills usually drop basic goods. It tends to affect the qualities associated with items, rather than the items, themselves. I always saved before entering a room with a chest, since that seemed to "fix" the treasure in place. Look at it this way: it's highly unlikely you would end up with lousy treasure or fantastic goods over the long haul, but in the short term, you'd see a great deal of fluctuation. Some people actually prefer this, just as some enjoy always seeing the same treasure in the same places. I prefer variation, but with greater limits than those DD provides--but I can live with the game as is.
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Post by ashtaroth »

Thanks, i'll try it. Got your hopes up for Ego Draconis? I'm a bit skeptical myself for more than a few reasons.
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Post by fable »

ashtaroth wrote:Thanks, i'll try it. Got your hopes up for Ego Draconis? I'm a bit skeptical myself for more than a few reasons.
I am, as well. They've never done a 3D game before, and I'm curious how much real content there when so much attention is being paid instead to graphics and voicing. We'll see.
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Post by DesR85 »

ashtaroth wrote:Now i may be a bit late, but i keep hearing about some great game that seemingly passed everyone by a while ago called King's Bounty. What exactly makes this game so great? What aspect of it is it that has hooked so many of those who heard of it?
And I'm sorry if i don't share your enthusiasm, but "you just have to play it" is not a viable or even remotely satisfying answer.
Well, aside from it playing a lot like the Heroes of Might and Magic games, I have to agree with Fable that it can get repetitive after a while. This is just from playing the demo, though.
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Post by Da_venom »

all games get repetive eventually

divine divity was a good rpg when it was released though

with good random things happening

but what sort of player are you really?

i see you played the homm series(like i have)
finished most of it on heroic

and played most of the games hosted here on gamebanshee

king's bounty is like homm only with real time movement but the battles are mostly the same

most homm fans like king's bounty(like i do too)

and i will play eco draconis for ya in some time ;-)

and dragon age as well i'm a bit pessimistic about both but nonetheless they wil give great playablity i assume

furthermore ever heard of the RPG Risen?

also a fun action rpg

sorta like gothic 2
pretty nice graphics and nice replayablity
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