Xan mod
Xan mod
I am really starting to hate this character. The voicing sucks and he talks 3 times more than the rest of the party. The second issue wouldn't be so bad were it not for the crappy voice acting. I may give him the boot and pick up someone else....
"Korax thinks you look very tasty today...
Or you could manually delete his sound files from your override folder. It won't upset the game and prevent him from speaking.
I found Xan a good enough mod. He's got plenty of dialogue, and that's what most people expect from mod npcs, but i understand it's not everybody's cup of tea. Still, his banters with original BioWare npcs refrain from giving him advantage over them and keep more or less in their character, and that's not really that common in mods.
I found Xan a good enough mod. He's got plenty of dialogue, and that's what most people expect from mod npcs, but i understand it's not everybody's cup of tea. Still, his banters with original BioWare npcs refrain from giving him advantage over them and keep more or less in their character, and that's not really that common in mods.
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The Pale Mansion : My e-published lovecraftian novella! You should totally check it out!