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Anora or Alister {For the crown}

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Revans mask
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Anora or Alister {For the crown}

Post by Revans mask »

I reason for me making this post is because I feel that Fereldon deserves a good ruler even if the decision was good or bad.

Anora left me no choice but to agree and side with her and not to kill her papa, but Alister had to be... well Alister. I ended up letting Loghain live and Alister acted like a little girl and had a chic fit and left the Wardens all because he didn’t get to be king of Fereldon.

I think Alister changes his mind way to much and all he had to do was merry Anora if he wanted to be king, but he had to have a chic fit once again and complain about marrying the archdeom instead of Anora.

I don’t see what is wrong with Anora, I would have had my avatar married her if the game would have allowed me to.

Do you think Anora or Alister is fit to rule?
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Post by GoldDragon »

First of all, it's Alistair... MASSIVE SPOILERS!
Secondly, if he's Hardened, he still will be king, even if you DO spare Loghain.
You MUST do his personal quest (Goldanna), and follow up in camp dialogue supporting the "Everyone is out for themselves" remark. Especially do not choose the option "I didn't mean it that way", and he should be hardened.

If you do desire his friendship, then do NOT take Morrigan's Ritual. Let Loghain take the final blow and die, and in the Epilogue he will say something about you being right. I think he says a similar speel in your funeral scene.

As for the Best Ruler, and you not wanting to be there (Noble Human Origin) or be mistress (Ticks off Anora, and for ALL females), in actuality, Placing BOTH upon the throne has been said to issue a Golden Age into Ferelden. Alistair will be "in touch with the common people", if alone or with the PC, and Anora does some smashing Diplomatic stuff (I can't be more precise, as I never put her on the throne alone). Together, they really do shine. But to do so, they must BOTH be in agreement BEFORE landsmeet. And Alistair must not fight Loghain.
Finally, Alistair HATES Loghain. Which is why you don't get the option to recruit/conscript Loghain if Alistair fights him in Landsmeet.
-- GD
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Revans mask
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Post by Revans mask »

I wondered why I couldn't have both of them, now I see why

{You can close the thread now, Chank}
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Post by Scottg »

I didn't swing by his sisters.

Still, with a high coercion skill I was initially able to broker a marriage deal.

He complains once at the Landsmeet and once again just afterward, but still goes through with it (..engagement & kingship) even though his initial tantrum at the Landsmeet seems to suggest otherwise. I personally killed Loghain however (stalling once, and then doing the deed).

The Alister tantrums however were out of character IMO. After all - he personally confesses to being someone who "follows", and even though his past has been about avoiding responsibility - he still "steps-up" when called to do what's necessary (i.e. Templars to appease the Arl's homelife, Grey Wardens when called upon, and even running the message for the chantry's "mother superior" when you first meet him).
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Post by phxhawk »

Possible Spoiler Alert

Alistair acted just like a little boy who couldn't get his way, imho. (possible apoiler alert )

I could not convince him to sleep with Morrigan, so my female avatar ended up killing the Arcane Horror and dying. Thank you so much, Alistair. :: sarcasm intended::

Any other way I could have gotten around this? My Avatar's coercion is 23+ but I couldn't get Alistair to budge. Talk about a guy having an attack of sour grapes at the worst time. ::sigh:: Plus his approval of my avatar was "interested".

I'd like to use this Avatar for any future DLC's so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Short of holding a .12 guage to Alistair's head, what should I have done?

thank the gods for saved games lol I went back and instead of trying to persuade Alistair, I tried another tactic and it worked.
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