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Werewolf island spoilers

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack.
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Werewolf island spoilers

Post by Dangerous10K »

alright ive killed the leader ive talked to the chic and she stole my sea charts
i found that guy that gives ya 5000 experience soem Darelon or something got the staff the plant and something else now how do i get off this freaken island?

am i permanently stuck?
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Post by Xandax »

This is some time ago, so please be nice to my memory.
IIRC - you need to return to the village.
And talk to the one girl that doesn't try to kill you.
She mentions something about a secret passage to the ship.
This passage is in a large house in the westen part of the village.

Hopes this helps a little, otherwise I'll replay the island so I can help you :)
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Post by Laurelei »


If you returned the baby to the girl in front of Kaishas' house OR if you returned the magic tome to the mage on the ship screen OR if you returned the cloak to the guy near the front gate, one of those people will meet you near the big building which is west of the front gate and tell you where to go. If you go inside that building, a secret door which you were not able to enter any more should be open because Kaishas took the charts and went that way.
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