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Crafting/Enchanting imba weapon ?character editing, and survival skill questions

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:48 pm
by DrizztKrm

Hi guys;

First at all, i would like to thank anybody spend time to read, and answer the questions.

I just started to game. I have a lvl 5 ranger ( 1 rogue + 4 ranger) , fighter, druid,rogue party now. I reach a castle where i can craft weapons. I know it is early game now for crafting strong weapons , but I'll build my character skills according to this thread.

I read the guides about crafting weapon & enchanting but i still have couple of questions?

For example i would like to craft a really strong "Greatsword" ;

1- how many craft weapon skill i need for crafting from Adamantine?

Martial melee (greatsword) 5 + 15 for Adamantine ? Or just 15 (highest) will be enough ?

2-And if i would like to add "vampiric regeneration" for example;

Weapon of Greater Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 5
Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat

Caster means a wizard or any character ? If it means wizard, after a wizard joined my party in future, do i have to give points both of them or just arms will be enough?

3- Is there a way i can redistribute skill or stat points ? (dex,str or craft weapon etc)

4- In one of the posts in the forum it was suggesting give some survival skill points to the party leader for resting while the enemies around ? i gave 7 points so far but haven't seen any benefit yet, do i need more points? or i need some additional skills as well.


Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:51 pm
by Scottg
Thieves-Guild.Net - Your Portal to everything Neverwinter!


Greatsword is a Martial weapon.

Martial: 5

Adamantine: +15

total = 20 crafting.

..of course you need the correct amount of Adamantine and the greatsword weapon blank, with access to a blacksmith table and a blacksmith hammer.

NOTE: Adamantine weapon "+" damage counts as one of your enchantment "slots". In other words IF you are enchanting an Adamantine weapon then you only get *2* enchantments total.


Thieves-Guild.Net - Your Portal to everything Neverwinter!

ENCHANTING (weapons and armor):

SPOILERS recipes (weapons):

Thieves-Guild.Net - Your Portal to everything Neverwinter!

Caster means any magical casting class - i.e. Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, etc.. NOT a Rogue using it's magical device skill.

Unfortunately ONLY the Wizard/Sorcerer classes have the underlying spell for Vampiric weapons: ENERVATION - IF they selected it. BUT any Wizard/Sorcerer caster capable of casting level 4 spells can cast it from an Enervation *scroll* - IF YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE ONE. (..a Bard with a high use magic skill *might* qualify for casting from a scroll.)

Of course they also need to be 15 levels in that class, OR a continuation class with continuation arcane casting levels for a total of 15 levels. (..for instance Wizard 5 levels and Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep 10 would do it, but Wizard 5 and Palemaster 10 would NOT because every even level of Palemaster is NOT an arcane casting level.)

Finally, they also need the feet: Magical Arms and Armor.

3. No, you can't redistribute skills or attributes once they are "spent"/allocated.

4. Survival for resting is only a concern in the campaign: Storm of Zehir.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:45 pm
by DrizztKrm
thanks for the answer.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:23 pm
by Scottg
DrizztKrm wrote:thanks for the answer.
Your welcome! :)