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The Oakfield Massacre

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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The Oakfield Massacre

Post by therugdoctor »

Ok. I've tried this quest about 4 times now, and i've killed everyone (or so it seems) and i can NOT finish this quest. I don't know what it is.
i've checked literally EVERY SINGLE spot in oakfield and i can't find anyone left. i wait a few days and search again, and nothing. i wait a few WEEKS, nothing. etc. where could the last person be? or am i doing something wrong?
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Anarchy Nooblet
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Post by Anarchy Nooblet »

First off, when the quest begins you should have a counter on the bottom of your screen. It states Oakfeild's current population as such when it reaches "0" you have completed the quest. And the glow trail should lead to any survivors left.
We're all going to die some day, I intend to deserve it.
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