For example: I am donating my character to be used by other DMs as an NPC.
(Many feel uncomfortable letting someone else use their character; so I might be the only one to do this, but its worth a shot.)
Pathin Majere; Wizard
Chaotic Neutral
5ft 7inch
young(age 28), Black robe with blue flames on the end of sleeves, Brown hair, green eyes
Pathin will act to
a: Destroy Undead
b: Learn New Spells
c: Gain an advantage(Associates, Finacial, Magical...ect)
stats at lv 1( to be modified)
Weapons: dagger, quarterstaff, light c-bow
Spells in order learned: *= favorite spell Bold= Custom spell
0-Light, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Predigistitation*, Mage Hand, Open/Close
1-Magic Missile, Sleep, Burning Hands*, Enlarge Person, Mage Amor, Shield, Majere's Illusionary Soldiers*
Obscuring Mist, Comprehend Languages, Silent Image, Cause Fear, Disguise Self, Idetify, Shocking Grasp,
2- Flaming Sphere*, Mirror Image*, Darkness, Fog Cloud, Web, Melf's Acid Arrow, Gust of Wind, Invisibility, Locate Object,Majere's Flamebreath*,Scorching Ray, Spider Climb
3-Dispel Magic, Fireball*, Lighting Bolt, Major Image*, Fly, Vampiric Touch, Sleet Storm, Hold Person, Halt Undead,Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Deep Slumber
4- Dimension Door*, Arcane Eye, Wall of Fire, Stoneskin, Greater Invisibility*, Fire Trap, Hallucinitory Terrain*, Illusionary Wall, Fire Shield, Polymorph,Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration
Pathin Majere will use fire spells and Illusion spells to start combat. Usually he prefers to finish off his opponent by himself. The Unusual thing about his fire spells is that the fire is blue, not red or orange.
Majere's Illusionary Soldiers
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: (200ft+5/level)
Effect: Creates 1d4+1(per caster level) Illusionary Soldiers
Duration: 1min/level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
Spell Resistance: No
After chanting non-sense for a bit of time, the wizard threw beads at the ground and three soldiers appeared out of nowhere. The Goblins panicked and ran away. “Great” said the wizard, “Now that the guards are gone, we just need to get out of this prison.”
You summon 1d4 illusionary soldiers plus one for each caster level you have. They can look like any type of soldier. The illusions follow your mental commands. The illusions feel solid, make sound, and move. As far as all senses can tell, they are real. When attacked, they are destroyed. Each Soldier has an armor class equal to 10+ caster's Int/Cha bonus
Arcane material component: A small bead for each soldier summoned. The beads teleport inside of the soldier and act as a vital organ.
Majere's Flamebreath
Level:Sor/Wiz 2
Components: S,M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 15ft-cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You can breath fire like a dragon. While placing your hand on your throat, flames can be exhaled from casters mouth. These flames deal (1d4+1) damage per level.
Arcane material component: Coal(which is rubbed on the hands before casting the spell)
So..... now you have a new NPC. You can post your own or use mine. But you a asked to post somewhat of the adventure they had so I can see what fun Majere is having.