Just today i've faced a horrible fact, that i've run out of RPGs to play.
So, kind people, what good RPG have i missed? (there can be quite a few to be honest, because im quite new to RPGs)
Let me narrow it down a bit.. Turn based or pausable RPGs that give you at least one chance to alter the storyline / change the ending.
The reason for "turn based or pausable" is - i simply cannot operate the laptop "mousepad" fast enough to play, for example : Deus Ex the way i would like to.
The ones that i tried were.. Baldurs gate series, Icewind dale series, NWN series, Planescape, Eye of the beholder, Exile series, Avernum series, ToEE (this could be the best game ever, if it wasnt so damn short, that you can't even call it a chapter..
Two more things :
- Dragon age wont work on my laptop.
- The game can be as old and as ugly as possible, but not text based. I have D&D for that.