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Fallout 3: Role play caracter build - help a beginner

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Gabriel Blake
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Fallout 3: Role play caracter build - help a beginner

Post by Gabriel Blake »


I've just ordered "Fallout 3 GOTY" and I'm looking forward to making a RP character (not a ultimake-kill-'em-all build). I'm just wondering will the game mechanics allow me to do so.

I'd like a swift and sneaky character. When choosing weapons I'd like to stick to one of the following sets:
1. Small guns - pistols (is it possible to use dual pistols ?)
2. Knives - both throwing and close combat
3. Unarmed - pure

I've played option 1 and 3 in "Fallout 2" and it was fun before I got to the Enclave. I'd love to go with option 2 now, however I want to make sure it'll be playable. I'd also like to avoid heavy stuff like power fists and power armors, although I think this may be impossible.

One more thing I'd like to know: What are the differences between aimed shots (VATS) and critical shots (head-shots). I have a fuzzy understanding of how they work but I'd like some clarification :)

PS any mods you'd recommend ?? I like a challenge, but not too insane :)
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Post by arsiwash »

Character build

sneaking is kind of hard. Even with your skill maxed out you still get seen ALOT.

You can sneak by some things, but other are almost impossible unless you get the chinese stealth suit from the Anchorage expansion. The only problem with that. It is just too powerful. It makes the game too easy.

As you probably found out, you cannot dual wield. There are some good player made weapons for starting out with for melee.

There are a few perks later on that make melee really awesome.

As far as unarmed, pick up various knuckles in the game, and when you can get your hands on the Deathclaw gauntlet, you will rock. It ignores most armor.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Weapon choices (spoilers)
Gabriel Blake wrote:Hi.

I've just ordered "Fallout 3 GOTY" and I'm looking forward to making a RP character (not a ultimake-kill-'em-all build). I'm just wondering will the game mechanics allow me to do so.

I'd like a swift and sneaky character. When choosing weapons I'd like to stick to one of the following sets:
1. Small guns - pistols (is it possible to use dual pistols ?)
2. Knives - both throwing and close combat
3. Unarmed - pure

1. There are a lot of great small guns, mostly rifles (conventional and energy) that are fun. Most have a single "hybrid" that is a more powerful version of the standard weapon. Finding them for the first time can be a challenge though. There are a few perks that will make your small gun skills even more potent, especially in VATS.

2. Knives are a Melee skill and not to many good ones, but there are some decent swords and a flaming sword that you have to make from junk that is devastating, especially with the Pyromaniac perk. There are also power melee weapons like rippers, auto-axes (from the Pitt), sledgehammers, clubs, tire irons, etc.

3. For unarmed I think the powerfists can be a lot of fun and there are two hybrids that can be found that do enhanced damage. I've never bothered with the brass or spiked knuckles but I imagine they might be fun to try.

If you have the expansion pack that lets you get up to level 30 and choose the right perks its possible to achieve a "100" skill point level for every weapons type.

VATS is the addaptation of the "called shot" from the earlier FO games. You get to pick what area of the target's body you'd like to shoot at. A VATS shot takes up Action Points which will regenerate over time. A head shot can be made in VATS or without it and you can get a critical hit either way. Criticals can be improved with various perks, some of which are specifically designed to improve VATS shots. I prefer not to use VATS for long sniper shots as I seem to get more hits with a scope and carefully aimed head shot in regular combat mode.

For mods I like The Pitt and Broken Steel. The Pitt is fun as at the start of it all your equipment is confiscated and you begin with less than when you left Vault 101 for the first time. And you can get a couple of nice items for completing it. Broken Steel allows you to achieve level 30 instead of the standard 20 levels that come with the game and it gives you an alternate ending that is more satisfying IMO.
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Post by BlueSky »

Some of the custom weapons you make can be very useful....
the Dart gun is one of my sneaky character used it from afar to slow down and poison enemies before they could detect you... :)

and one of the special weapons you can find, I always go for, no matter what type of character..The Lincoln repeater......
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Post by nawasaki22 »

fall out 3 builds
Gabriel Blake wrote:Hi.

I've just ordered "Fallout 3 GOTY" and I'm looking forward to making a RP character (not a ultimake-kill-'em-all build). I'm just wondering will the game mechanics allow me to do so.

I'd like a swift and sneaky character. When choosing weapons I'd like to stick to one of the following sets:
1. Small guns - pistols (is it possible to use dual pistols ?)
2. Knives - both throwing and close combat
3. Unarmed - pure

I've played option 1 and 3 in "Fallout 2" and it was fun before I got to the Enclave. I'd love to go with option 2 now, however I want to make sure it'll be playable. I'd also like to avoid heavy stuff like power fists and power armors, although I think this may be impossible.

One more thing I'd like to know: What are the differences between aimed shots (VATS) and critical shots (head-shots). I have a fuzzy understanding of how they work but I'd like some clarification :)

PS any mods you'd recommend ?? I like a challenge, but not too insane :)
Rlly all i would say to do is play around in the game there are a lot of builds to many to put in this post though me i go with the big guns a good big gun is the rock it luncher any junk you have you can use not to say the junk can befond any were you are on the ground agin therr are just so many builds you can take dont try sneek though untill you have a good understanding of the game cus as some on siad in a earlyer post you get seen ALOT so just use VATS try to use it when ever you arte away from them it does better dam and it makes it to wear you have a 80% of hitting it alot better then just aiming and shooting blindly
The way i see it only one thing is for sure in this world......every living thing must die at some point
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