Before you do this, read the rules.
If you have a Fable III character, there are more questions that you have to answer according to this list.
- What is your hero's name?
- Male or Female?
- Good or evil?
- Weapon of Choice?
- Spell Gauntlet of choice?
- What's your dog's name?
- What does your character wear?
- Any tattoos?
- Hairstyle?
- Any Facial Hairs?
- Any makeup?
- Pardon Logan, Former King of Albion or execute Logan?
- Lower the taxes, keep taxes unchanged, or raise taxes?
- The Fate of Factory: Open School or Reinstate Child Labour?
- Rebuild the Old Quarter or Leave the Old Quarter?
- Raise the Guard Budget, Keep Logan's Guard Budget, or Lower Guard Budgets?
- Castle Decoration: Good Decor or Evil Decor?
- The Status of Aurora: Keep promise or Break Promise?
- Value of the Desert Star: Donate the funds to the treasury or keep the funds for your personal account?
- Restore Child Benefit, keep Logan's Policy, or Introduce Children Fine?
- Renovate the Shelter or Turn it into a brothel?
- Build a sewage plant in Industrial or Dump Sewage in Mourningwood?
- Nigel Ferret's Fate: Reject Bribe or Take bribe?
- Alcohol Policy: Remove the Drink Limit, keep the Drinking Limit, or Outlaw Alcohol?
- Status of Brightwall Academy: Keep promise or Break promise?
- Protect the Late or Drain and mine the lake?
- Value of the Statue Donation: Donate the proceeds to the treasury, or keep the proceeds to your personal account?
- Bail out of the Economy, or Let the economy collapse?
- Build a desert outpost, or Reject the proposal for the military outpost?
- The Future of Mispeak: Keep Promise or Break Promise?
Here are the examples of my character.
- Alistair
- Male
- Good
- The Swinging Sword and Chickenbane
- Fire Gauntlet and Shock Gauntlet
- Robert
- Military Suit
- Guild Tattoos
- Short Wavy hairstyle
- No
- No
- Pardon Logan
- Raise Taxes
- Open School
- Rebuild the Old Quarter
- Raise the Guard Budget
- Good Decor
- Keep Promise
- Donate the funds to the treasury
- Restore Child Benefit
- Renovate the Shelter
- Build Sewage Plant in Industrial
- Reject bribe
- Remove the Drink Limit
- Keep promise
- Drain and mine the Lake
- Donate the proceeds to the treasury
- Bail out of the economy
- Build a desert outpost
- Keep promise