What online game(s) are you currently playing?
What online game(s) are you currently playing?
Just curious about what online games people play here.
So, What online game(s) are you currently playing?
So, What online game(s) are you currently playing?
most mmo's just don't appeal to me, it's not just the cost. besides, free to play usually means either that the money is paid through buying in-game items which leads to unbalanced in-game economy and gives advantage to people who spend more real life money on the game or that the quality is rather low
main reason I tried WoW was because I was a fan of the previous Warcraft games, and Secret World caught my interest as I'm a fan of Lovecraft's Cthulhu series and the Longest Journey games (which are written by the writer behind Secret World). I've looked at and even tried some other mmo's and just wasn't interested in them
I also bought Starcraft 2 for the single player campaign and don't bother with multiplayer, which according to some of my friends is very strange
main reason I tried WoW was because I was a fan of the previous Warcraft games, and Secret World caught my interest as I'm a fan of Lovecraft's Cthulhu series and the Longest Journey games (which are written by the writer behind Secret World). I've looked at and even tried some other mmo's and just wasn't interested in them
I also bought Starcraft 2 for the single player campaign and don't bother with multiplayer, which according to some of my friends is very strange
I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me
I'm back playing Evony. Willing to take bets on how long it will take me to get bored this time!
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
And everything is hidden in the fine print.[/QUOTE]
Same deal here. And I think Starcraft 2 has an awesome SP campaign. Some very unque missions. Not just build your base and kill everything else, or lead your squad through a maze to get to whatever. Some TRULY unique missions that I've not seen in other strategy games.GawainBS wrote:Hey, some deal here. Some even reacted: "Is there a singleplayer campaign?"
But back on topic. I've recently tried Fallen Earth, but I'm not a huge fan of it. I do like it's open world concept, but it's a bit too far on the figure everything out yourself side of the fence. I think even EVE is has more handholding then this game. Although I have to say the player base is rather friendly.
Rift was a fun diversion for a while as well. So I'm in between MMOs right now.
For online games I'm kind of sticking to shooters at the moment. Replaying Borderlands now with all the DLCs and with other people instead of by myself.
- Crenshinibon
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Currently, the only online game I'm playing is League of Legends. I might possibly get into a free to play MMO (Eden Eternal) to incorporate girlfriend time with game time though.
“The world breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially.”
- laclongquan
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Vietnamese versions of MMO
Business Tycoon Online: Pretty good stuff.
Clash of Kingdoms: a mmo strategy set in three kingdoms era of china.
Travian: the damn thing is too simple. Not easy, simple. I am thinking of dropping this. The game is designed for aggressive little bastards go around to raid their neighbourhood. And even if you want to play peaceful, not much to do.
Business Tycoon Online: Pretty good stuff.
Clash of Kingdoms: a mmo strategy set in three kingdoms era of china.
Travian: the damn thing is too simple. Not easy, simple. I am thinking of dropping this. The game is designed for aggressive little bastards go around to raid their neighbourhood. And even if you want to play peaceful, not much to do.
- rpgfanatic2223
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i tried playing some free-to-play mmorpg's in the past but i dont know they just dont work for me. with the exception of "dragon nest", most free-to-play mmorpg's are pretty bad. i pre-ordered star wars the old republic so im waiting for that to come out. but until then, i guess ill stick to playing star wars knights of the old republic over and over again.
As someone at RPGWatch (scroll to post #4) spotted this is a case of that 'recommendation marketing' for the browser game the OP mentions in the 1st post
small sample:
small sample:
"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"
None at the moment. I used to play WoW...heavily, then burn out hit a second time, took a break and tried other games that were half baked and buggy (AoC, WAR, DCUO) and got rather fed up with the whole MMO scene. I tried to get back into WoW a while after Cata had come out, and burnt out within 9 hrs of play over 3 days. Then I dove into NWN2, bought the platinum pack that contained all 3 major releases, hit a couple of persistent worlds and much more fun. Tempted to try DDO as a result but haven't pulled the trigger on that yet.
Though I've come to the conclusion that any new MMO is going to have wait 6 months worth of live time before it gets any of my time, the nature of MMOs seems at odds with my life these days. My playtimes are during the day, which is nonstandard and thus makes getting in on typical MMO content a steep challenge for me.
On top of that, my job deals with the public while they're drinking alcohol and gambling, so when I run into trash talking self-centered obnoxiousness, my patience reserve is pretty low.
Still, I'm intrigued by SW:TOR because its Bioware doing it, though I confess to trepedation due to EA holding the leash, seen what they did with Mythic and WAR
. Guild Wars 2 likewise has my interest, but again, its a wait and see because the industry as a whole has taught me to hold off and let a title go live for a bit before touching it.
Because Funcom is doing Secret World I'm not going to touch it. I was extremely patient with them in AoC, everywhere from billing snafus, bugs, broken game play, incompetent content design, hasty and unfinished content, ect. Funcom burned their bridge with me as did SOE with the way they handled DCUO. Both games had captured my fascination initially because they broke with the standard WoW button-mashing and dance rythm, especially DCUO (and yep, a scarred veteran of EQ/SWG so this was SOE's last screwup for me). Because they had displayed initial innovation, I put my faith and patience in them, but on both accounts had that flung back in my face with typical MMO corporate disdain.
It drove home the point that a Corp should be treated no differently than a person who repeatedly breaks contract with you and fails to live up to their obligations, at some point you simply cut them out of your life and are done with them.
Though I've come to the conclusion that any new MMO is going to have wait 6 months worth of live time before it gets any of my time, the nature of MMOs seems at odds with my life these days. My playtimes are during the day, which is nonstandard and thus makes getting in on typical MMO content a steep challenge for me.
Still, I'm intrigued by SW:TOR because its Bioware doing it, though I confess to trepedation due to EA holding the leash, seen what they did with Mythic and WAR
Because Funcom is doing Secret World I'm not going to touch it. I was extremely patient with them in AoC, everywhere from billing snafus, bugs, broken game play, incompetent content design, hasty and unfinished content, ect. Funcom burned their bridge with me as did SOE with the way they handled DCUO. Both games had captured my fascination initially because they broke with the standard WoW button-mashing and dance rythm, especially DCUO (and yep, a scarred veteran of EQ/SWG so this was SOE's last screwup for me). Because they had displayed initial innovation, I put my faith and patience in them, but on both accounts had that flung back in my face with typical MMO corporate disdain.
It drove home the point that a Corp should be treated no differently than a person who repeatedly breaks contract with you and fails to live up to their obligations, at some point you simply cut them out of your life and are done with them.
- superfly2000
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