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Some thoughts on joining the Church of Talos

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Some thoughts on joining the Church of Talos

Post by QuenGalad »

So I've made myself a cleric/priest lately, a class I haven't tried before. After initial surprise at the fact that only halflings, gnomes and half orcs can do this, I got used to my newest Bhaalspawn and went on a divine rampage. The half-orc part was the last straw to tip the scales towards chaotic evil, and the character itself was quite fun. I was also looking forward to the priest stronghold, which I've not seen before.

First, let me say that the Talos temple in Athkatla is very unpleasant, even if we do get our own room. This is mainly due to the sound inside, which is extremely annoying. But the quests themselves were interesting - we got to advise people on their problems.
Well, this is where things got silly.

Now, I hardly know a thing when it comes to Faerun lore, and the writers of BG seem really convinced that evil equals rude and/or violent, but honestly. A man shows up, asking what to do about his wife cheating on him. There were three answers available, and yes, I did understand the "gaah! kill them all!" option was expected of me. I chose to say that he should let the wife do as she likes, figuring - from a roleplaying point of view, as I know there's no point to expect multiple solutions here - that at least there'll be some chaos that way : vows disobliged and so on.

Wasn't all that surprised to see this disqualified me immediately. No other people came, no possibility to fail with the first man and even it up with others, just the acolyte yelling at me and throwing me out. Well, ok. But then I looked up the stronghold and it seems that a priest of Talos is expected to slaughter anyone who comes by, really.

So I guess my questions are : why would anyone even come to the temple and ask for guidance, and what, exactly, is the difference between worshipping Talos and Bhaal? Might as well cut to the chase and pray to the dead daddy, seeing as the answer is always carnage.
Any thoughts?
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