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Garrick bugged? tutu

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Garrick bugged? tutu

Post by Claudius »

I picked up garrick and I cannot figure out why his thaco is such as it is..

THACO base 20
Thaco 19
crossbow equipped
proficiency in crossbow
level 2 bard
dex 16...

I'm not sure what a bards base should be but I would expect it to be 19. And then even if not that well he has 16 dex so the thaco should be 18 or 17, 17 if the base thaco is 19...
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Post by Crenshinibon »

A lot of the characters are made without regard for the rules.

Here are his [url=""]base stats[/url].

I can safely say that most of your THAC0 reduction will come from items. For example, without items, my level 8 bard (who soloed the entire game) has 19 THAC0, but with items has 12 THAC0. I wouldn't worry about it at all, Garrick will be incredibly strong if you build him right - he'll be a tanky spellflinger and a front-line fighter.
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Post by Curry »

Crenshinibon wrote:A lot of the characters are made without regard for the rules.
This applies to all Infinity Engine games. Don't expect them to follow the real rules.
The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.
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