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Divine prestige class with 6 or more skillpoints/level

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Divine prestige class with 6 or more skillpoints/level

Post by Claudius »

One of my favorite things is planning out the skills of a character, that is to be more than a combat thug.

Are there any prestige classes with some amount of divine casting progression while still getting 6 skillpoints. I know ranger is one alternative, but I was hoping for more casting in exchange for a loss to AB.

There is one I know of, the fochlan lyricist, but until they get lots of levels of the prestige class they are kinda gimped by the fact that they multiclass so much... Until they hit level 10. And its hard to find your role in a play by post game when you have rogue/druid/bard (and even wizard possibly for better progression than bard casting). That would in effect make them master of none until they get a lot of FL levels and then they are awesome.
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Post by Siberys »

Dunno about Prestige Classes but there is a core class called Archivist that gets 4+INT for skills and full clerical progression.
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Post by GawainBS »

On top of my head: Seeker of Misty Isles, Blackflame Zealot ( Both might also be 4+), Shadowbane Inquisitor ( 6+, IIRC), all from Complete Divine. Some sort of Shadow of Pelor from Complete Champion combines rogue & cleric, but not so good as the Shadowbane.
A Cloistered Cleric (UA) with the right Domains offers 6+ skill points in a very good skill list then, and if you can get Divine Metamagic + Persist, Divine Power takes care of the low BAB. The people at Brilliant Gameologists | Play Like You Have To might be able to help you a lot better, though.
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