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Problems with NI

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Problems with NI

Post by Sykar »

Hey folks,

I am trying to get NearInfity program to run, because one of my mods screwed up the Iron Skins spell (making it 1 round casting time -.-') Sadly somehow it's screwed up and now tryin to figure out which of the Java Exe files run that program.
I also want to edit the description of MMM so it reflects the toning down via SCSII and to give Balors/Pit Fiends proper +4 weapons, it's laughable they have +1 weapons only.

If I use the normal Java Exe all I get is a very brief DOS screen which disappears so fast I cannot even see what is wrong.
Does anyone which of the dozens Java****.exe files is the correct one to run the NI program?

Edit: Found out the problem, somehow another program stole the jar file asociation so the javaw.exe couldn't run NI. Luckily there is a fixing program out which fixes that easily.

So don't mind this thread. ^_^
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