As most here i don't give a damn about graphics or how realistic it is or how awesome!!!POWNZ or anything of the sort.
Does it have complex interaction and choices ala New vegas? Does it have real choices and consequences? How liniar is it?
I understand the main quest is pretty liniar , but some side quests have different choices.
Are there real consequences to them ala The witcher ?
The whole random generated quest thing is a big, big worry for me.
At least i can find solace in the fact that i won't have choices thus the "real" re-playability is low for me, since i am an avid completionist. Let me tell you me1, m2 and m3 are hellish for me since i have to know every dialogue line , every choice and every affect and every potential effect due to ME3.
This game boasts epic exploration... in Oblivion there were hundreds of places to explore , thing is -- all of them were generic and bland, nothing to see, the fact that all loot in places was random was game-breaking for me.
Dialogue(how good and how many choices) ,q choices and the things that really matter
well not to spoil anything but i was given a letter by a stranger, had the choice to give the letter to who he asked me to, tell the womam who it was from, just give the letter as the stranger told or notify the person that the letter was supposed to be about, so by choices yes some side quest have different ways of addressing them, more similar to two world 2 rather than oblivion. also with interactions, a woman saw me steal from her did not call the guards but placed a bounty on me and had thugs come to get me. so moral choices and decisions affect you, however im only 6 hrs + deep and don't know what lies ahoead of my area.
No, you will only have the choice to either accept a quest or turn it down (in which case you can still accept it later.)
For example, you have the "choice" to turn down the Companions' offer of becoming a werewolf, but you can't proceed with their quests until you change your mind and become a werewolf.
For example, you have the "choice" to turn down the Companions' offer of becoming a werewolf, but you can't proceed with their quests until you change your mind and become a werewolf.
The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.
I'll give another example (SPOILER): A man named Sinding has stolen a powerfull artifact from Hircine and has been cursed for his insolence. He wants you to help him appease the daedra lord. After you hunt down a white stag and kill it Hircine will appear and ask you to hunt down Sinding. When you reached Sinding, you discover that others are also hunting him. After talking to Sinding you can either help him or kill him for Hircine.