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I started up the toolset but was overwhelmed by all the menus as I have no experience whatsoever.
Using Mods to Acquire Ruin Feats
If you feel your crit-dependent character is being unfairly broken by this campaign, you may want to take matters into your own hands and mod in a solution. Note that this could be seen as cheating, though. It depends a lot on who you ask.
The simplest way to do this is to duplicate an item in the modding tools -- something that gives a passive bonus while in your inventory, like the Silver Shard. Remove its properties and rename it, then give it the applicable Ruin feat(s). Place the item in an easy-to-reach location of a simple campaign (in a box or offered as a quest reward), like the tutorial campaign that comes with the game. Then play that custom campaign with the character to acquire the item and save your character. When you start the MOTB campaign with that character, the item will remain in his inventory and allow him to sneak attack & crit as normal.
Ostensibly one could, with enough modding prowess, allow characters to select ruin feats as any other feat when leveling up. This would be the preferred solution for many, but it may be much harder to implement because the Ruin feats are designed as item feats only. (note that mods like this may already exist -- a link would be beneficial if that is so).
If someone who is experienced making these kind of things could do this for me or make a step-by-step guide I'd be very gratefull.