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Steam remote control

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Steam remote control

Post by Fearless »

Let5 me tell you a little story.

I have been playing Skyrim for some 388 hours and at level 51 and each day I load STEAM recognizes me. Suddenly it tells me that I am playing from another machine and will not let me play the game, (by the way I have NOT changed my machine) by reason of that it will not let me access the library. Next thing I know is that the game is no longer accessable on my machine and the games icon has disappeared. So I contact Vavle and Steam. Two days later I receive an email saying that I now have to sign in as an "administrator" My problem with all of this is that I am not overflowing with money and can only afford 5 gb of usage ( in Australia they Telstra sell usage in parcels) and I find that I have to again download 9 GB of patches before I can play the game again, so I end up with an internet connection that runs like sludge.
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Post by MalaksBane »

I see.
So basically Skyrim is a no-no. Unless you find a hack.
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