The Ninth Zulkir « Build | NWN2DB
I don't do Wizards too often (because I generally prefer Sorcerers), but with the recent Pallid Mask build I got to thinking of "Death Mages", their limitations and how to overcome most of them.
Really there aren't many instant death spells for an actual Mage (i.e. Sorcerer or Wizard base class). Phantasmal Killer, Circle of Death, Undeath to Death, Finger of Death, Weird, and Wail of the Banshee. There are others, like Power Word Kill or Prismatic Spray, but their usefulness is questionable. The most useful of the group are Finger of Death and Wail of the Banshee (..along with Undeath to Death). The reason Finger and Wail are better is because they aren't subject to a potential mental immunity ( Phantasmal Killer and Weird). Additionally they are higher level spells with a resulting improved DC vs. an opponent's Fortitude save. Beating an opponent's Fortitude save is critical with any Death Mage - otherwise little if any damage occurs.
Because both Wail and the Finger are Necromancy spells, this allows the build to concentrate on Necromancy to improve saves in that one spell school. Not only are Necromancy Focus Feats selected, but this build also has an added bonus via Wizard Specialization in Necromancy. That's further increased with the Red Wizard class. The Red Wizard adds-in an additional +1, and then increases this even further with spell power bonuses that ultimately add-up to another +5. (..this build nets +4 to Necromancy MORE than the Pallid Mask build via the Red Wizard's spell power bonuses.)
Unfortunately the "price" for the Red Wizard's class structure is the Wizard class (instead of Sorcerer), requiring the selection of Human for race, and more importantly a limitation in not one, but two spell-schools. The first is Divination, the second is Illusion. Fortunately the second limitation is with respect to *learning* spells, and can be "put off" by holding off on starting the Red Wizard class for as long as possible. In this build only 9th level Illusion spells are removed. Every other Illusion spell can and should be selected/scribed to your spell book BEFORE becoming a Red Wizard. Divination is still removed, but it's no big loss.
Of course beyond saves there are plenty of opponents that will be "Death" immune, so there needs to be at least one alternate method of attack that will work. For opponents with Deathward or Shadow Shield you have Spell Breach (or a Dispel Magic) and then the death spell. For Undead you have Undeath to Death (..or Sunburst). But there are others where they will simply be immune and for that the Frostmage's "Piercing Cold" is a very nice little feat that by-passes any cold resistance an opponent might have. This makes spells like Ice Storm and Polar Ray a lot more useful, especially because they don't have saves (..only subject to Spell Resistance checks).
Finally the build adds-in some added defenses via Haste and the Swiftblade class - the most notable being Spell Resistance via Evasive Celerity ( Swiftblade level 5).
Note that both the Frostmage class and the Swiftblade class delay the Red Wizard class to 8th level spells, allowing you to scribe those Illusion spells to your spell book.
The Ninth Zulkir (build) - Kaedrins
A high Spell Resistance is pretty important IMO. Not the least of which because this build's saves are pretty poor. The alternative is always using a Spell Mantle, but who does that for each battle in the campaigns?Ares2382 wrote:Are the benefits of the Swiftblade class really worth the sacrifices you have to make?
If a "death mage" is what you're aiming for, why not replace the Swiftblade with a Palemaster class?
Of course the Swiftblade class *also* adds in improved attack numbers for touch attacks (melee, Vampric Touch, and ranged, Polar Ray). Plus AC bonuses, and a few other nice features - particularly the concealment bonus.
The Palemaster adds nearly worthless summons, even better AC improvements, Fortitude save improvements. Several immunities. And a "Finger of Death" like touch attack.
The AC is great, but no where near as good as AC + 50% concealment. The Fortitude save improvements are decent, but not nearly as good as the Spell Resistance that the Swiftblade provides. The immunities cannot include the immunity to sneak attacks and critical hits a 10th level Palemaster gets UNLESS you sacrifice +1 in Spell Power from the Red Wizard class. The touch attack is largely useless because it relies on Charisma as it's DC modifier ( the Palemaster's attack numbers are also low BAB). Note that the +1 Spellpower bonus reduction can be compensated for with an alteration in feats via those wasted Dodge/Mobility/Martial Weapons feats.
One of the nicer elements to the Swiftblade's bonuses is the level 6 immunity to dispelling/breaching. It's not something you really notice until you've had various buff's striped from a greater dispel magic (or MKD). It basically makes that concealment bonus & spell resistance as if it were coming from an item (..particularly if Haste is extended at higher levels).
I've tested both builds (Swiftblade vs. Palemaster) out and considered their leveling with respect to enchanted items that can be purchased/found/crafted in the campaigns. The Swiftblade (with Practiced Spell Caster: Wizard), is much better IMO.
Well I guess if you tested it I'll take your word for it.
There are a couple of other reasons I thought that taking Swiftblade might be bad. First of all you're required to take 3 feats to get it. While Dodge and Mobility are not totally useless, you could use them for other things, like enhancing another magic school, maybe evocation. Martial Proficiency is totally useless for a spell caster. Also, not taking Swiftblade means you can take a different race, say Imaskari and get 2 more Intelligence, which will somewhat make up for the loss of 1 Red Wizard level to get Critical Hit Immunity from Pale Master.
Also, you have more spells if you get Pale Master over Swiftblade.
You can always leave a third PRC out completely and just go with Wiz/Frost Mage/Red Wizard. I think you end up with an additional feat somewhere in there if you go this route, and even more spells.
EDIT: NM on the Imaskari, I just realized that even though it's a human subrace it doesn't qualify for Red Wizard.
There are a couple of other reasons I thought that taking Swiftblade might be bad. First of all you're required to take 3 feats to get it. While Dodge and Mobility are not totally useless, you could use them for other things, like enhancing another magic school, maybe evocation. Martial Proficiency is totally useless for a spell caster. Also, not taking Swiftblade means you can take a different race, say Imaskari and get 2 more Intelligence, which will somewhat make up for the loss of 1 Red Wizard level to get Critical Hit Immunity from Pale Master.
Also, you have more spells if you get Pale Master over Swiftblade.
You can always leave a third PRC out completely and just go with Wiz/Frost Mage/Red Wizard. I think you end up with an additional feat somewhere in there if you go this route, and even more spells.
EDIT: NM on the Imaskari, I just realized that even though it's a human subrace it doesn't qualify for Red Wizard.
Ares2382 wrote:Well I guess if you tested it I'll take your word for it.
There are a couple of other reasons I thought that taking Swiftblade might be bad. First of all you're required to take 3 feats to get it. While Dodge and Mobility are not totally useless, you could use them for other things, like enhancing another magic school, maybe evocation. Martial Proficiency is totally useless for a spell caster. Also, not taking Swiftblade means you can take a different race, say Imaskari and get 2 more Intelligence, which will somewhat make up for the loss of 1 Red Wizard level to get Critical Hit Immunity from Pale Master.
Also, you have more spells if you get Pale Master over Swiftblade.
You can always leave a third PRC out completely and just go with Wiz/Frost Mage/Red Wizard. I think you end up with an additional feat somewhere in there if you go this route, and even more spells.
EDIT: NM on the Imaskari, I just realized that even though it's a human subrace it doesn't qualify for Red Wizard.
Why take my word for it?
(..I usually do a quick battle at each level with various opponents and appropriate equipment for that level relative to what could be found in the OC.)
Yes, you can get a higher DC without the Swiftblade class.. but then you don't get that nice Spell Resistance + 50% concealment either.
Wizard 5/ Frostmage 6/ Child of Night 3/ Red Wizard 10/ Child of Night 6 seems optimal for full offensive capability with a level 30 DC in Necromancy of 30 (..or 2 more than the build I've done here). More accelerated access to focuses as well. Note that 14 levels gets you to level 7 spells for your Illusion spells. Level 8 spells only have Mass Blindness/Deafness from the Illusion school - and that spell isn't that great.
For this build it's just a matter of preference, balancing defenses with offensive capability.
Yeah, I was a bit bummed about the Imaskari not being allowed the Red Wizard class.
Update on the comparison of using the Palemaster class instead of the Swiftblade class..
The PM class doesn't have Tumble as a class skill. This limits your total amount of AC from Tumble to 1 and at the same time "burns-up" double the skill points while delaying the added AC. The net AC result even with the PM's full AC bonus (..AND an added bonus from an added level of Frostmage) is only 2 more than the Swiftblade.
The PM class also has fewer skill points (..half that of the Swiftblade).
There are two more pressing problems however:
The type of immunities, and
The delay in those immunities.
The Immunity to Hold, Paralysis, and Stun can all be achieved from a mental immunity item or spell. In fact, the long-lasting 1st level Protection from Evil spell accomplishes this for 99% of campaign situations.
Immunity to Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks can be crafted into robes at level 15 or higher in the OC.. which is well before you could get this effect from the class.. and speaking of that -
Even if you utilize only 2 levels of Red Wizard below level 20 (similar to what I've done for the Swiftblade build - 3 levels), you'll only get the Immunity to Hold, Paralysis, and Stun by level 20, NOT the immunity to Critical Hits and Sneak attacks.
Worse, accelerating the PM class for those final 2 levels to get the immunity to Criticals Hits and Sneak Attacks inevitably delays your Red Wizard class levels, and as a result your DC improvements (..substantially in MOTB, in that it takes a while to level-up to level 23). ('s more or less a "wash" though between the two builds in that there is faster access to the necromancy focuses with a PM build.)
The Swiftblade class however only requires 5 levels to get full 50% concealment and full spell resistance. Add just one more level of the Swiftblade class as I've done makes it immune to being dispelled. It's not necessary, but it is advisable.
Finally, (and a bit of a restatement):
You can't get Spell Resistance of 10 + Character level with any item. On the other hand you CAN get it (via spell) from Elanee or Zhjeve, and it's slightly higher at 12 + caster level (..though because of the caster level limitation it's equal or lower in MOTB because of delayed level companions relative to your own character). Of course this spell can be removed via breach or greater dispel/MKD.
You can't get 50% concealment with any item. You can get it with Displacement or Improved Invisibility.. but that's another buff to cast, taking up another spell-slot.
The PM class doesn't have Tumble as a class skill. This limits your total amount of AC from Tumble to 1 and at the same time "burns-up" double the skill points while delaying the added AC. The net AC result even with the PM's full AC bonus (..AND an added bonus from an added level of Frostmage) is only 2 more than the Swiftblade.
The PM class also has fewer skill points (..half that of the Swiftblade).
There are two more pressing problems however:
The type of immunities, and
The delay in those immunities.
The Immunity to Hold, Paralysis, and Stun can all be achieved from a mental immunity item or spell. In fact, the long-lasting 1st level Protection from Evil spell accomplishes this for 99% of campaign situations.
Immunity to Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks can be crafted into robes at level 15 or higher in the OC.. which is well before you could get this effect from the class.. and speaking of that -
Even if you utilize only 2 levels of Red Wizard below level 20 (similar to what I've done for the Swiftblade build - 3 levels), you'll only get the Immunity to Hold, Paralysis, and Stun by level 20, NOT the immunity to Critical Hits and Sneak attacks.
Worse, accelerating the PM class for those final 2 levels to get the immunity to Criticals Hits and Sneak Attacks inevitably delays your Red Wizard class levels, and as a result your DC improvements (..substantially in MOTB, in that it takes a while to level-up to level 23). ('s more or less a "wash" though between the two builds in that there is faster access to the necromancy focuses with a PM build.)
The Swiftblade class however only requires 5 levels to get full 50% concealment and full spell resistance. Add just one more level of the Swiftblade class as I've done makes it immune to being dispelled. It's not necessary, but it is advisable.
Finally, (and a bit of a restatement):
You can't get Spell Resistance of 10 + Character level with any item. On the other hand you CAN get it (via spell) from Elanee or Zhjeve, and it's slightly higher at 12 + caster level (..though because of the caster level limitation it's equal or lower in MOTB because of delayed level companions relative to your own character). Of course this spell can be removed via breach or greater dispel/MKD.
You can't get 50% concealment with any item. You can get it with Displacement or Improved Invisibility.. but that's another buff to cast, taking up another spell-slot.