I got SS from GOG, but before I start, I want to get a better look at each class' skilltree.
Google hasn't shown anything worthwile.
Do you know of a website that shows/describes all the skills? (The ones on the skilltree, the manual does a VERY good job of describing the rest.)
I love this game, and played it to death back in the day, but I doubt you will find much on the net at this point. The game is old (although it aged very well). Most, if not all, of the fansites have long been shut down.
It doesn't exactly describe all the skills in details, but the guy does go over which ones he thinks are good and which ones are bad. Look under Character Progression section.
That's the class I always went with. Although, I will warn you that sniper in this game is WAY overpowered, especially later on, once you level him up some