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Does anybody still play ME3 around here?

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Does anybody still play ME3 around here?

Post by T0kR4M »

Hello guys,
as the title says: Does anybody here at Gamebanshee still play ME3?
(and the Multyplayer Mode. Any thoughts?)

As for me I played the first run just to ending the story and it was not so well written (and I don't want to get involved in ANOTHER discussion about the infamous ending).

Now I'm playing the game to testing the various classes and how they perform on the game dynamics. I played the Vanguard class on Hardcore (it was my class n the 1st run too) and it is so f***ing powerful and funny! My first vanguard run was n Normal. I went cover&shooting and additional charging for easy fun all the way to the end. I was displeased about my game but it worked until the final stand on earth. I underestimated Nova, not putting a single point in it and choosing a bonus power (I don't remember which).
I just finished the game on Hardcore in less than 60 hours dying 6 times overall and finshing all the side quests. Charging and "noving" anything that moves, it is unstoppable! Nova with pierce evolution and 180/200 power recharging bonus is a must have with vanguard. I was spamming charge every 2 sec! I barely used my shotgun.

Now I'm playing a renegade female infiltrator (I love badass Jennifer Hale's voice :D ) on Insanity and it's like I'm playing another game. Using my sniper rifle for the one-shot kill pared with tactical cloak. A much slow gameplay. It is also important to bring the appropriate sidekick with you.

Does anyone here judged the RPG dynamics of the classes on the third episode? They add an enormous amount of replayble quality to this game. Much more than the first two.
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Post by T0kR4M »

well, I guess the answer is no...
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Post by Tricky »

I'll play that and the rest of ME some day, I'm sure, once I find it in the sales bin.
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