I wanted to keep blackrazor so I pickpocketed the genie and got the tear. When I got to ToB I realized that I still became neutral evil. I tried putting the global variable BHAALTEST from 3 to 0 but it did not help. Anybody know a way to change it?
This is what happened to me also! I went into TOB and saw that my alignment had dropped. I tried to use SK but for some reason it didn't work. I even tried to change some of the global stats back as if I hadn't taken the sword but it still wouldn't change. In the end I just went back to my last save in SOA before I kicked Jon's arse and changed it there. For some reason it worked, all I had to do was beat Jon a second time (took about 3 seconds) and go into TOB again as my usual lawful good self
Please read some of the threads on this board, especially this: [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=18&t=000019"]thread[/url].