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The Last Battle - A tale to be told

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The Last Battle - A tale to be told

Post by magisensei1 »

The Last Battle – a tale to be told.

Hi everyone, here is a rather fun tale of the final battle that you might find entertaining. Now here we were facing the demon Belhifit and the battled was about to commence. I used my usual strategy of summoning allies to occupy the demon while taking care of the golems – but this time we summoned them via spells rather than items and that always takes a bit longer and as such B wasn’t really distracted by them and attacked my paladin who happened to be occupied with the golem. While we attempted to distract Belhifit with little success the summons entered the fray and got mashed by Belhifit. Meanwhile the traps which we didn’t know were on the flow started to dispel and hurt my thief who attempted to aid in the battle against the golem alongside of the paladin. Now Belhifit although temporarily distracted started to toss out the occasional spell and the summons were either destroyed or panic and as such he started to re-focus his attention on my paladin. So both golems are finally destroyed and we turn our attention to the demon but my paladin is down to less than 20% of her hit points so decides to take a break to heal so my other fighter and thief jump in to distract the demon – but still no realizing that there are traps all over the floor my paladin steps on one and is destroyed it seems – so no paladin – down to 5 members.

The battle is not going well – my thief is struck with some harsh blows and has to flee for safety only to have Belefit teleport after her and while she dodges to avoid him gets hit either by his spells or another trap and is down for the count – 2 down – with one fighter and 3 spell-casters left consisting of figher/druid; cleric/mage; and bard. Now spells are not working so we are stilling summoning allies to distract him while thinking of a way to defeat him – my remaining fighter and druid/fighter take up the task with the help of the bard – while my mage-cleric heals and summons allies – but sadly the task is not going well – my final battle after a hectic exchange goes to visit her ancestors leaving me with no true fighter with powerful weapons and only a bunch of spell-casters that can’t seem to harm the demon using spells but we still had a few spells and my druid-fighter remembered she had a spear +4 in her pack so exchanged her weapon and attacked the demon along with the bard and summons.

Now my cleric-mage having run out of summons decide to do the craziest thing – she has a resurrection spell and decides to resurrect the paladin and viola the paladin returns – grabs her armor and holy avenger but has only 1 HP to her name. Meanwhile the battle is not going well for us – our druid-fighter is down to about 20% of her HP so my cleric-mage decides to caste mass haste and my bard starts to sing the song that allows for healing and we start to run in circles around the floor on the outside – since we know now that there are traps all over the place – the summons who were either panic/feared return to battle while we are running around and we occasionally take a hit from Belhifits spells but more or less we are surviving for the moment – as our paladin reaches about 50% of her HP she re-engages the demon with only the occasional lucky hit and as our druid-fighter also gets the occasional lucky hit against him as well – we have more or less run out of offensive spells at the moment – so running around hit and run tactics and minor healing from the bard song is the only thing keeping us alive at the moment.

Our cleric-mage checks to see what items she still has which is not a lot and goes to the thief pack and rummages for a wand and a few potions – because haste has just run out and we are fatigued not good if everyone is down to about 50% of HP – we find a potion of coffee and give it to the paladin while our druid-fighter seems to have a restore spell that fixes her fatigue – but the bard and cleric-magic are still very tired. The paladin restored to alertness attacks again as does the druid-fighter – but it does not seem to be going well as Belhifit is swinging his double swords with vigor and we are down to about 30% of HP and no real offensive or defensive spells – surprisingly as the two are battling Belhifit he teleports away from them and they give chase – and one of the summons who was feared returns to battle and Belhifit is distracted for a moment- our druid-fighter with her spear and somewhat swifter movement reaches Belhifit first and get a lucky thrust with her spear between the plates of his armor and gives him a mortal wound – he screams with anger as he is sent hurling out of this plane back home and we stand victorious over the field of battle.

Imagine that – we won – surprising us with a resurrected paladin (which had to be the craziest thing we did during this battle); a druid-fighter; a bard and a cleric-mage – what a battle it was and even though we lost companions to him we know a few powerful clerics that can help with that.
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Post by Claudius »

Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
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