Greater Glabrezu is supposed to drop the Heaven and Earth club, yet after killing like 20 of them each time entering the Undersigil, all they drop is coins. I feel cheated the game and quite frustrated.
I deliberately have taught Nameless in club fighting hoping to get that weapon and now i am being robed of it. My severed arm club is all i have.
Is there a cheat to obtain this weapon i fricking deserve?
The Greater Glabrezu have low droprates. The game isn't cheating, you're just getting screwed by the RNG gods. Search for a Planescape savegame editor and give yourself the weapon.
There is a legit way to get "Heaven and Earth" without relying on UnderSigil's drop rates.
A story-related, and really epic one. Don't miss this by using a nasty editor.
I did not use editor. Story wise i screwed up, because the gods-man foundry turned hostile on me. However, i have joined the dusties and got myself a 2+ club. I also had 5 unused proficiency slots, so i used them on hammer.