Lets say I'm a DM of a pen and paper DnD group and after NWN comes out i decide i want to try and take my campaing online using NWN. Will the toolset allow me to build a huge area with a city and wilderness and so on and so forth and they can choose who to talk to and where to go and what quests to take or will i have to create single-minded objective driven quests that they play through one at a time?
And if youve got an answer to that why not take a stab at my other question. Will people be able to edit the game like they did in BG2. For example if I'm running my campaign as third edition but i still have kits implemented instead of prestige classes, will people be able to edit the classes to change their abilites the way people made custom kits in BG2?
Campaigns or adventures?
Campaigns or adventures?
Why do we feel bored?
It feels like time passes so slowly but then you think about all the things youve done days, weeks months ago that feel like only yesterday even though they are countless hours passed And nothing feels that long anymore.
It feels like time passes so slowly but then you think about all the things youve done days, weeks months ago that feel like only yesterday even though they are countless hours passed And nothing feels that long anymore.
Ás far as information is presently - all the things you descripe should be doable in the tool-set.
Although scripting might be neasecary for complicated NPC interaction.
It should also be possible to script new classes somehow - but presently there is not much information about this - I think it was Xyx that wisely said: "If it was easy to script new classes - they would have put it in the game from release".
Although scripting might be neasecary for complicated NPC interaction.
It should also be possible to script new classes somehow - but presently there is not much information about this - I think it was Xyx that wisely said: "If it was easy to script new classes - they would have put it in the game from release".
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