Has anyone gone solo with a paladin yet, has
i've just started with one. The thing to
consider is now do i beat that bloody red dragon on my own. MY PALADIN is a undead
hunter, from bg1 which i did solo with,
.stats str 19
dex 19
con 19
int 10
wis 15
chr 19
I have already finished the game with a duel classed fighter cleric. which was easy.
(no cheating). i've almost finished the game with the same paladin, and even though i've got five other members i,am doing all the killing myself. thats why i going to start a new game from level 8. But i know
it's not going to be easy getting that 5+
sword from the red dragon. any tips no cheating. yours ROWDIN
soloing with a paladin
i would suggest enlisting a mage for this one battle - edwin or aerie. buy the wand of cloudkill and have a couple of cloudkills or death fogs in their mage book or on scrolls. stand out of his line of sight and gas him about 10-15 times. you may not consider this honourable, but it will work. if you intend to kill thaxsillya (black dragon in umar hills) then you can do this but also use incendiary cloud for some extra damage - but not death fog. incendiary cloud wont work on firkragg because it is fire damage, and death fog not on thaxsillya because it is acid damage - but you probably already know this. good luck.
... and you know it's true!
... and you know it's true!
... and you know it's true!
It's going to be tough. I'm playing a Berzerker/Thief and trying to figure out how to kill the dragons without trap/sleep/trap. So far, no luck.
Playing the paladin as a Cavalier would help some. Negative Plane Protection will help with the shadow dragon but not Firkragg. You might want to put off Firkragg until after the underdark but I'm not sure if the Cloak of Mirroring will help against him and of course you REALLY want that sword...
Playing the paladin as a Cavalier would help some. Negative Plane Protection will help with the shadow dragon but not Firkragg. You might want to put off Firkragg until after the underdark but I'm not sure if the Cloak of Mirroring will help against him and of course you REALLY want that sword...