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Underwater Swimming

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Underwater Swimming

Post by Brook »

I'm in Namawia Grotto, and I can't get far enough under water to find the body to loot. Does anyone know where the body is in the grotto?
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Post by VoodooDali »

I haven't been there, but I've found that almost every underwater swim requires a couple of water breathing potions or spells.
To make Water Breathing potions, you will of course need a mortar & pestle, a calcinator, an alembric and retort. Ingredients--Two of the following: Hackle-Lo, Kwama Cuttle, Luminous Russula, or Pearl.
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Post by Sirius_Sam »

I just started a new character (Imperial Assassin) and he's the first I've made without substantial magic skills (It's like a whole new game ! :) ). Thanks to Voodoodali's post, I was able to concoct a couple of water-breating potions and hit the grotto myself. The body in there is a female rogue and she's wearing a full suit of light armor (it's not great, but it's nice for a starting character) and carrying a couple of lockpicks...the grotto itself is full of pearls. I believe that if you follow your map, she's pretty hard to miss (not many twists and turns in the grotto).

If you go South from the lighthouse in Seyda Neen, and climb onto some semi-submerged rocks, you should see a shipwreck to the East. Inside the submerged ship's hold, a skeleton has a water-breathing potion.

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