I'm going thru this game for the first time (after having played both the BG and ID series) and with Annah in my party I've been able to steal a few goods that are technically worth quite a bit.....but I can't find anyone that will buy them!!!
In BG there were always thieves that would show up after dark and buy these things but here.....
Its kind of odd that everyone is so picky about where these goods come from since it seems over half of the population of the Hive are either "Harlots" ot "Thugs"
Any ideas anyone?
Where can you sell stolen/fenced goods?
this always bothered me as well considering that everyone in the game was farily seedy and a little beneath the law. even the folk bordering baator wouldn't buy stolen goods. actually, now that i think of it, not even the fences would move stolen property. must have been worried about the mercykillers. as far as i remember, i never found anyone willing to unload my stolen equipment and carried it around the whole game. sorry